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Does waiting really help?


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I’m going down to .25/.25 mg Ativan Saturday (from .25/.5 after initial dose of 1 mg then cut to .5/.5), and I’ll like to cut further at a rate of 25% per week. I know it seems rapid, and that’s why I’m coming here. My doctor suggested possibly waiting two weeks before making further cuts. Would that help make the taper smoother/easier, or just increase dependence? I really don’t want to overstay a dosage, but I’m worried about going too fast. What would you guys do??
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I read your other thread, sorry you didnt get as much support from the doc as you hoped. I found it did help to wait between reductions. That way I would have some time to regroup and regain my confidence I was doing the right thing before heading back for more. Some cuts were worse than others, so keep your eye on the goal and you will get there.

Take care,


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Thanks for the support! I’ve decided that as much as I want the drug out of my system, and as worried as I am about dependence, I need to be safe and kind to my body. Therefore, I’m going to make my schedule a lot less rigid. I’ll still wait at least a week, but unless I’ve had a run of good days I won’t make the cut. I’ll instead wait until my body begins to feel like it’s ready. If it’s not, I’ll wait. Who knows, depending on how bad it hits I may be waiting more than two weeks. Out of all this I think the most important thing I’m going to have to tell myself is to be patient and listen to my body. The end goal is still the same, but I shouldn’t rush myself into unneeded hardship for it. Does that sound rational?
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I made my first cut at the end of January, it proved to be too much after 5 days, so I went up slightly.  I held it there for 3 weeks before making another cut yesterday.  This one is much better, so far.  My psychiatrist said to make a cut when I'm no longer even thinking about the Xanax.  That, to me, means when I feel great again.  So, if that means every 3 weeks, so be it.  My husband tells me every step is a step in the right direction. 💕
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Thanks for the support! I’ve decided that as much as I want the drug out of my system, and as worried as I am about dependence, I need to be safe and kind to my body. Therefore, I’m going to make my schedule a lot less rigid. I’ll still wait at least a week, but unless I’ve had a run of good days I won’t make the cut. I’ll instead wait until my body begins to feel like it’s ready. If it’s not, I’ll wait. Who knows, depending on how bad it hits I may be waiting more than two weeks. Out of all this I think the most important thing I’m going to have to tell myself is to be patient and listen to my body. The end goal is still the same, but I shouldn’t rush myself into unneeded hardship for it. Does that sound rational?


It sounds perfectly rational. If you look at the highest dose and your current dose, it will tell you how much of a decrease your brain and body had to adjust to, and when you see that, you should feel proud of yourself, and you've also C/T'd briefly in the past, so you have to recover from that little jolt, too. The biggest thing is not to go up with your dose. Lowering the dose or holding is perfectly ok, depending on your situation. Unless you are running out of pills and don't have a doctor who will prescribe them, there is no need to rush it. Better to listen to your body and take your time.



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Yeah, I’m really leaning into the whole listening to my body thing. I’m taking it so much slower than I ever thought I would. Decided to halve my planned cut even, just to be safe and not shock my system.
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