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Food is a given but what about energy


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Insomnia is a huge issue for me, the electricity in this house I can feel it penetrate my scull. I remember at month 3 and 4 how I could not even be in the same room as my cell phone so why did I not take this as a telltale sign that further down the road that electricity could have been one of my major sensitivities. All energy, humans, animals, places, things, wires, wifi, being indoors!!

Studying energy and heightening my abilities for healing and my need to learn the science behind this energy really has paid off.

I get it now. All of it.

Let's just get to the point. I have my remedies to help with this environmental electrical pollution that we do not see.

We do not need all this stimulation added onto our already sensitive sensory systems that is for sure.


I now wear blue light blocking glasses all day long especially at work when I am doing farm work I am under fluorescent lights which are the worst lights to be exposed to and I also deal with computers all day long which is added eye strain.


also EMF protection is so important. These waves pass not only by us all the time but through us changing our molecular structure. Learn about them and the difference between low energy frequency and high energy frequency EMS!! These waves are changing the molecular structure of our DNA! I had refrigerator magnets in my pocket and noticed a significant change in my energy and ability to be at work and at home with so much energy stimulation, as well as even being around shitty humans especially at work. It is like now, I pick up on these energies and I immediately feel like they are draining me so hard... Not with these magnets!!

I was lead to do research and find out the science behind it. Well It is called SCALAR ENERGY. It is energy that the earth naturally produces, it is the energy earth vibrates at before we add all of this pollution and wifi and cell towers and lights into it. There are actually pendants that hold this energy that we can wear and basically invite into our own energy fields to protect us from all this junk energy. At this point I will get all the help I need, so far I still wear my flat refrigerator magnets and am looking for a pendant that is not too strong to wear since the one I bought is at 5000ccs and way too strong.


I also have this 2x2 sacred geometry tourmaline piece I carry around with me, sleep with and put in between me and the computer at work. It also helps with emfs, dense people and with this new sensitivity I can actually tell. Good luck







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Oh and I can sleep now that I do not wear my cell phone or sleep near it. Also I turn off the wifi at night and I do not leave anything plugged in at night. Also I limit the use of my laptop and am buying tools to prevent more damage from this type of energy. So many peoples health is jeopardized from these waves and they even go as far as losing their jobs etc etc. I will not be one of them. Hope all this was clear, I am in a rush and just want to spread a little awareness because I wish someone would have helped me with all of this.
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