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I'm currently taking 1.50X & 45mg Valium for sleep reasons only .

My intention is to hopefully next week reduce the X to 1.5 and increase the Valium to 50Mg. I will then slowly reduce the Xanax 0.125mg every 2 weeks until its gone, and then start on the valium .

The problem ive been facing over the last few weeks is that i take my eve dosage at apron 930-10pm and i ALWAYS wake up at 230-3am. I then find myself constantly having vivid dreams ( i guess REM sleep ) all the way till my alarm goes off at 8am

I feel all day that i haven't slept enough.

Is it an idea for me to maybe take say 1.5x/20V at bedtime and the rest when i awake at 230/3am ?


Please any suggestions welcome as im finding the days difficult to get through without having naps here and there , which i cant do much as im a busy self employed person .


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  • 2 weeks later...
I read the new options you chose for yourself and when I look at them I think there are a few questions that need clarification. I saw your medication at 9:30 to 10:00pm. That is with All the medication. You then say you wake up at 3:00am.  What do you do when you wake up after these dreams? Go back to sleep or take more meds?. I would welcome the dreams they are a sign your brain is getting a rest. i then see you wake up I imagine for  work but then say you take a sleep med during the day when you do not feel rested. Naps are one thing many say myself included that take away from feeling sleepy at night and feeling sleepy during the day. I would stave myself of sleep until it is time to go to bed. Nothing during the day. I realize  to work you have to stay awake but adding more at night will not change what you are doing during the day. No sleep meds during the day, Your sleep remember is artificial, meaning your meds are blocking natural sleep. It would be better if possible to not worry so much about the little awakenings, the need for naps, or the dreams.  I do not sleep at all and you have a foot in the sleep door eventually you will have to lose more and more sleep because of the reductions and these issues you are having now will be welcome. You have to rough it in this benzo world of sleep and withdrawal and I do not want to be insincere but I think you might be better off excepting things will get worse before they get better. Keep reducing per the Ashton Manual and stay away from the other benzo's unless you have extreme anxiety during the day, not to nap. hope that helps.
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