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7 Years on Zoloft


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i took Zoloft for 7 years quitting  in 2008, cold turkeyed and went through hell and ive been off 7 years, and im back cause i tried to exercise and revamped restless leg and bee sting type symptoms, ive had them almost a month now, please help, has anyone had this happen to them on this forum, thank you
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Hello zoloft25,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies! I'm sorry you are feeling a return of symptoms from the discontinuation of zoloft.  We are primarily a benzo withdrawal support forum but there are members who are taking or who have taken AD's like zoloft.  Hopefully they will weigh in with their experiences.


Since you've been off zoloft for so long, have you seen a doctor to rule out any other causes of the symptoms?


I'll give you a link to the Other Medications Board. You will see many threads about AD's where member's share their knowledge and experiences with these class of drugs. You can also start a new thread to ask questions and receive feedback from members.


I hope that your symptoms will settle down. Exercise, while good for everyone, can be very stimulating for people with sensitive nervous systems.  Please do ask questions, we're here to help.


Other Medications     


pianogirl  :)

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i read that benzo withdrawal and ssri withdrawal are very much the same, ive seen it first hand,  this forum seemed good and im just losing it right now,
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i read that benzo withdrawal and ssri withdrawal are very much the same, ive seen it first hand,  this forum seemed good and im just losing it right now,


I'm sorry.  :(  Let us know how we can help.


PG  :smitten:

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