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Need some advice please.


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I'm sorry that your anxiety is so bad right now.  Withdrawal often does that to people.  I know that I was pretty rev'd up for several months.  However, I'd invite you to consider dealing with your anxiety instead of trying to hide it with another drug.  The drugs mess you up in two ways that I can think of:  1) after prolonged use, they can biochemically alter your physiology resulting in tolerance, and/or dependence; 2) use of those drugs promotes continued 'bad thinking' - ruminating about events in a way that causes anxiety, but since the drug numbs the anxious feeling, you continue with the bad thinking. 


People are in this forum (myself included) because they opted to take a drug instead of dealing with their anxiety (or depression or whatever).  There are other drugs that people take for anxiety, but if you really want to be rid of your dependence on those drugs, then I think that you're going to have to learn some coping and/or mindfulness approaches.  Each of us creates this anxiety; each of us has the power to stop creating it.  Personally, I found therapy to be very useful in helping me to come to terms with my own situation (I eventually learned to feed the right wolf!).


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Seriously excited about finding this website. I'm in my 40's. I'm on my 2nd day without taking anything Benzo related. Been coming off klonopin for 6 months. Was at 2 mg a day for 13 years. Got cut to 1 mg a day for 3 months then cut to 0.5 mg for the last 3 months. Used a few Xanax since I ran out of klonopin for rescue. I've been to the er twice. I've been having heart palpitations and breathing problems for 6 months plus severe anxiety and panic attacks. Had no idea it was from meds until I read post from here. I'm super scared but tough and ready for the fight. I'm not turning back. Thank you


How are you doing Mad max? Yes, 2mg of Klonopin for 13 years will cause really bad symptoms. I think you may have tapered too quickly. 9 months taper after 13 years of Klonopin use is considered a pretty rapid taper. No wonder you are feeling the way you are feeling. I think it's reasonable to look for another medication for the anxiety/panic, but since this is a support forum for people who wish to stop the benzodiazepines (and you have already stopped), it's very unlikely anyone can tell you what to take or if to take anything at all. Most people who got burned by prescription drugs are mostly unlikely to recommend anything for anxiety/panic. That would really be between you and your doctor.


But, congrats on getting off Klonopin. I'd advise reducing/staying away from alcohol (if you drink). Alcohol is a drug that is cross-tolerant with benzos, and it affects GABA system as well, and it will slow down healing, and it is also good to stay away from coffee, if it bothers you. Also, highly advisable to stay from any other psychoactive substances such as marijuana, as it can exacerbate paranoia and benzo withdrawal symptoms. Minimizing sugar and any other stimulants is also advisable. I don't see much harm in using some milder herbs such as passionflower, valerian root or chamomile tea. However, if you are taking any other medications, please make sure that any supplements you take do not interact with any medications you may be taking.


There are some non habit forming medications for anxiety such as BuSpar (Buspirone), but it is really weak compared to something like Klonopin. Again, something to discuss with your doctor. Antidepressants can also be useful to people without benzo tolerance, but both brain and body usually become very sensitive to any medications/substances after long-term benzo use, and that is the reason why most people who are getting off/gotten off benzos are hesitant to try anything new. 

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People are in this forum (myself included) because they opted to take a drug instead of dealing with their anxiety (or depression or whatever).  There are other drugs that people take for anxiety, but if you really want to be rid of your dependence on those drugs, then I think that you're going to have to learn some coping and/or mindfulness approaches.  Each of us creates this anxiety; each of us has the power to stop creating it.  Personally, I found therapy to be very useful in helping me to come to terms with my own situation (I eventually learned to feed the right wolf!).


Totally agree

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You got some good replies, and I hope my reply can help you a bit. When I decided to come off the psych drugs and Ativan, I found meditation, relaxation, breathing techiques, and praying very helpful. I recently discovered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and it is really helping me a lot. You got to put the effort to want to change and not become dependent on pills for anxiety, sleep, or depression. I opted to go to a naturopath as well and also helped me tremendously. I have tried amino acids, and I am slowly tapering from them as well. If you have digestive issues is best not to go the amino acid route. Some people cannot handle even supplements, but lucky me I am able to take a few that are also helping me like Magnesium and calcium which are also calming to the system. Got to stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and any stimulant (even with foods).

Keeping distracted, exercising, journaling are also very helpful. Check out the 'The Anxiety Guy' on You Tube, he is a coach and a personal sufferer that conquered his demons with CBT and other approaches. I listen to him every day. Anxiety is a reaction to an emotion that will trigger physical syptoms. However, your physical symtoms are due to an imbalance in your CNS due to a fast tapering. Only time will make it better. You have to think of it as having a psychological flu and you have to do all the things to let your body heal. We have incredible brains capable of healing, so don't let your anxiety and fears run the show. You are the master mind and your thoughts definitely play a good part in your perspective towards your healing. Some people have tough it out without ingesting any more junk into their systems like OTC. This is an option. But everyone is different and you ultimately decide what you want to try or not. Like myself I am a firm believer of amino acids, but this is something you have to know a little to handle them. Good luck!



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