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Difficulty Breathing-Any Strategies


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Aside from my reintroduced anxiety, this is the worst part of having gone C/T. My chest gets tightened and it becomes difficult to take deep breaths, or even yawn. Does anyone else have this? If so, what do you do to combat it/is there a way to get it to stop?
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No strategies MozeKing outside of acceptance and knowledge now that I DO wake up in the morning still breathing. 


I was able to yawn and thought maybe you could be hyperventilating as a result anxiety?  IDK.


If you really can't gain breath MK you should see a doctor, ER,  to have your oxygen levels checked.  I'm certainly no expert just trying to navigate this terrain myself.  It's very scary, I know.  Hugs. 


Dee  :smitten:

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Whenever I feel like I can't breathe, I get up and do something to distract me from focusing on my breathing. I usually will play a game of chess on my phone or just start cleaning up my place. Before I know it I'm not focused on my breathing and worrying about it anymore.
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I also have breathing problems, which of course is getting worse of anxiety.

When I watch TV  I usually focus and count my breath. Also puts my hand on my stomach so I breathe correctly.


If you have a lot of tension in your chest muscles then they are sore. I usually massage a little gently with oil, and finish with careful stretching. I think I have a lot of tension in my body because I suffer, and then the muscles are shortened.

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Air hunger and all kind of breathing issues have been my worst symptom since this began, a vaporizer helps, I put some eucalyptus and inhale (literally all day) and helps a bit.
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I have this symptom sporadically. Comes with anxiety. Couple months ago I had with a excess amount of yawning...go figure. I still catch myself gasping for air right before I fall asleep. Spooky.


Like others have said. Go do something. Get up and distract yourself. Meditate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had air hunger a lot early in the withdrawal, scary.  I would distract and ignore it, that's the only thing that worked for me.  I had it last month on two days, but not since then.  It dissipates over time.
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I have breathing problems excatly after waking up from a short sleep or nap paired with shakes and anxiety and it wears off half a minute but its bad... I read somewhere you should breath through your nose and with your stomach move.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know how you feel. try pushing your lower stomach out when you breathe in. I do this counting to five and then breathe out to 5 counts too. I had this symptom for months but it has passed completely. this too shall pass 4 you.  believe it and try as hard as it is to give this less importance. you can breathe but your brain is tricking you and telling you otherwise. hugs





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Aside from my reintroduced anxiety, this is the worst part of having gone C/T. My chest gets tightened and it becomes difficult to take deep breaths, or even yawn. Does anyone else have this? If so, what do you do to combat it/is there a way to get it to stop?


Phenergan for nausea put it over the top for me and stopped me from being able to breathe at all.  Most terrifying experience of my withdrawal.  It was a 50 mg. dose of Phenergan that did it for me.  Severe respiratory distress is a side effect of Phenergan, whether some people suffer it or not, I sure did.  I can't live with myself not warning others as I have seen a number here mention taking Phenergan here.  This was in early withdrawal for me (last summer).  Hope it passes soon for you.

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