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MTHFR gene mutation test- strongly advise to get tested


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For anyone struggling while they took these devil drugs or who is expericing a very bad withdrawl testing for the MTHFR gene mutations  may shed some light( this is a gene mutation passed on from one or both parents) and is related to how B12 and folate and how your liver methylates these along with many other things like hormones, medications. You can be either an overmethylator or undermethtylator. Also why some b vitamin supplements and other drugs cause such adverse reactions in some. I personally am going through this and explains why I react so badly to the short term benzo use, antibiotics, anaesthic and still struggling and why anything with synthic folate (in most cereals, breads, vitamins) has a bad reaction. If your Doctor wont test you can get these tests done via online pathology. Treatment is very individual and by no means liniar or  should be attempted without a trained person...most modern medicine folk will give you the wrong advice and tell you to take b vitamins and folic acid. Worst thing to do.
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