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Do we have control?


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When I started tapering my anxiety was unbearable. As I went down it became better and better, it was completely null for the 1st month off ativan. Now at nearly 7 weeks off it is really bad again. Do we have control of anxiety during withdrawal.


There has been no significant change that would bring this on so I guess I would assume that it is withdrawal related. If so do we have the power to control it if it is a mechanism of withdrawal.


Would meditation/breathing exercises help?


I exercise around 30 minutes every day but it doesn't seem to have any effect on my anxiety. I feel a bit powerless. Is there a type of exercise that may help more?

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hi buddy, congrats for how far you have come!!


the key is giving up the idea of control. You better face the problem when it comes up, I mean, don't worry so much. Of course exercising, meditation and all these strategies are brilliant and I would not have done all my tapers without them. But the real helper was the moment I somehow got used to having panic attacks. You know you will not die when panic sets in. You know, - or you will learn - how to cope without a benzo.


Its just a "reminder" from your benzo, and it can stay with you for a long time BUT with every day you learn to deal with it. Like a little hairy monster under your bed. The first times you are shocked, later you just say hello and its not a big deal any more.


Like a scar after surgery that hurts from time to time.






my little helpers are:

1. Body: Go for walks or run. Thats the way we "animals" get rid of stress. Do something with your body, no matter what it is. Understand?

2. Mind: Don't take it so seriously, although it feels like hell. somehow "get used" to it, surrender, give in.

3. Paradoxical things: When nothing else helps, do something you would NEVER do in this situation. You are full in a panic attack? All you want to do is get into bed and close the door. Try to do the opposite - your brain isnt able to get that and very often panic leaves faster. :D


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What helped me was to just sit and meditate, nothing deep, just to feel safe and grounded, despite the internal storm.  It really eased my anxiety.
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There are coping techniques (breathing, meditation) that can ease anxiety for a little bit, but the withdrawal anxiety can't be addressed directly. We may be able to lessen some external stress (if we can), etc. etc.
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