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A message of hope!


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Last year, I went from 2 MGs right down to 1.75 MGs of Klonopin at the direction of my doctor and have never suffered more in my life - extreme sensory sensitivity (the rustling of curtains would throw me into a rage, showering was like needles to my skin and even the pressure of water around me in the bathtub was a torture, light changes upset me, movement, even small sounds grated on my nerves, etc.), massive and crippling muscle spasms all over my body, mood swings, headaches, upset stomach, eye pain, resurgence of night terrors (what I take the K for), insomnia, paranoia (I developed this weird thing about holes in stuff)... and I could just go on and on and on.  Definitely the worst experience of my life.  I struggled down to 1.5 at the end of last year, and there I stayed for an entire year, terrified to do anything else.


I got on this forum, I read the Ashton manual, I started to care of myself in other ways, but I feared changing my dosage like nothing I've ever feared in my life.  And I stayed in the forum, reading success stories until I could be brave as you all are - thank you. 


So one month ago, I decided to begin again.  This time, reducing by no more than 5% per week.  My doctor recommended against liquid titration due to a lack of accuracy for home titration and my obvious sensitivities and instead, helped me secure the right dosages of pills to accurately get down about 5% a week. 


AND I HAVE HAD THREE BAD DAYS.  ONLY THREE!  I had muscle spasms early on, some sensitivity to light and sound, and of course, insomnia, but nothing else and only the insomnia lasted past the first two weeks.  I'm now down from 1.5 MGs to 1.1875 as of Tuesday and even though that sounds ridiculously small, in about two weeks, I'll be down to ONE MILLIGRAM with such minimal suffering as to be forgettable in comparison to the first time. I really can't believe it. 


I have a long journey ahead of me still, I know, but stories like this really helped me gather my courage to taper again, so I'm posting this hoping it may help you, as your posts have helped me.   

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