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9 months free!!


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Today marks 9 months, 270 days off all benzos. Almost 11 months off Ambien which is the reason I got into this mess.


I wish I could say I'm symptom free but I'm not there yet. Things have overall improved a lot in a month, my baseline is better, I feel more normal most of the time. I'm able to relax a little more now, sometimes a lot more. I've had some great windows, and some really hard days too. I think overall month 9 has felt harder than month 8 even though I feel better when not in waves.


The first 7-10 days of month 9 I was in a window with minimal sx. After that it was up and down and then the last 10 days have been mostly in a wave. I had some days in the middle of the wave that were almost 100%.


I seem to dealing with a couple of sx for the most part now. Nerve pain / muscle aches and sickly / benzoflu type waves. The nerve pain had mostly gone away for 6-7 weeks and then it came back with a vengeance about 10 days ago. Evenings used to be my good times, but this wave, I've been good during the days with some minor stuff then every evening being hit with a wave of nerve pain. I would then wake up to awful toxic feeling muscle aches in the mornings.


Last night the wave was much shorter and milder and I had no aches in bed this morning. Hoping that I'm coming out of this wave as I head into month 10. The sickly waves had diminished quite a bit and maybe that will be gone soon. I still feel quite fragile and get fatigue at times but it feels like maybe things are heading towards the finish line.


Only 3 months, 90 days from 1 year, after going through 300 days of hell, this doesn't seem too bad. Hoping that things improve before then but if not then I'll just keep going!


Good luck & healing buddies!



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Great update, Klungo. Sorry you had that wave, but you're still headed in right direction!  I think things will start to accelerate for you.



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