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what can i do i am in trouble


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Hi i am 7 month off zanax after more then 10 years on 3 mg i tapered in the last two years . i need advice i can not go to my own store which going to the ground the anxiety ,phobia ,insomnia and deprecation is not help in no one in my family can help they do not understand what i am going throw. and i have a strong suicide  ideas. what i am asking do i have to try and go to my store and start to run it our i leave it to  the bad management .i  have phobia of driving my car i did not drive in the last 7 years when i start again. thank you every one
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Deep breath, slowly, okay? Calm down, I know you are scared, it is okay. Can someone else run your store for you? If the management is bad, you can change that, not hopeless situation, things can be changed. Your fears are running rampant, you are catastrophizing and allowing the anxiety and agoraphobia to control you instead of accepting it in, not fighting it, taking it by the hand and working through it. It is possible to manage it...I have been a functional agoraphobic for years, had many anxiety and panic attacks and I am in one piece and as sane as the day is long.


Do you have a therapist that you can work with to talk these anxiety fears through? Do you have any coping skills to help manage these feeling? There are many things you can do to soothe yourself.


i have a strong suicide  ideas


These are distaction thoughts....I hope if you really feel this way you will go to the emergency room, please.....that is not the solution.


Can you see that fear is running you in circle's? The fear is telling you lies. Please take some deep breaths and slow down. Write your worries on paper, then put them in order of importance and as you work through each one, you will feel better.


Just Breathe



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Hello Alexander,


We know there's not much understanding out there for what we're going through, this is why we come here.  Tell us how you're feeling, what your fears are and how you feel hopeless.  Each person here has felt what you're feeling and we'll help you get through this.  We'll help you see that you're not alone, we'll help you work out a solution for whatever is bothering you.


Keep coming back, you're safe here.



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thank you  just breath your  words and others what i need. regarding what i  wrot about suicidal idea i think it just ideas because of the insomnia and anxiety i still have hope that i can get out of this .regarding going to emergency room i live in a third world country which there no help for such a think  except a stray jacket
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Then you hold on to us and the support you can get here. Talk through your fears, read others posts, connect with people. You feel alone but you are not, you are a world away but I can send you a  :hug: and know that you can feel it. Things will get better, they will.


Have you any way to get some books to read that help with understanding anxiety? Dr Claire Weeks, IMO, is the rockstar of this. I do not know where you live. Wonder if you can download her books, maybe an "ebook". Another member, from far away(I am in the US) had the ebook. If you can search for:


Hope and Help for Your Nerves  by Dr. Claire Weeks


Wishing you peace & calm, it will come....have faith in yourself.


Just  Breathe :smitten:


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Everyone here at Benzobuddies is either in trouble or has been in trouble, just like you.

You are already achieved so much, just by getting off the Xanax. 

That takes a very strong person.


So, you are already stronger than you think, but these meds mess up your thinking, and make you are feeling hopeless.

Try to focus on your successes. 

I have had, and still have bad kind days, too, but I will not give up.  Neither can you.


You are not hopeless.  You just need some help and support. 

Often the people we depend on most, like our families may not understand, because this is a difficult problem to understand.

I didn't understand my own sister's problems 10 years ago, when she needed help, and now it is too late. 

I have to live with that.


But we aren't crazy, and we don't need straight-jackets, like some doctors think. 

But you need a good doctor to help you along, and get thru this difficult time, and provide you with some support.


Can you depend on your family or friends to help you with the store?

Or can they help with your transportation issues?


There are good people in this world who want to help you, or me, or anyone else in trouble. 

Sometimes you have to ask for help.

You have already shown that you can help yourself, and that is usually all they want to see.


Everyone needs help at some point in their lives, and many times there are government, private or religious agencies who

want to help.  Don't give up.  You have already achieved so much by yourself.


OK, so your family doesn't understand, but maybe they can still help you get some of the help you need. 

That really isn't asking too much.


Believe in yourself, believe in a better tomorrow, and try to find some inner peace.

Eventually, that's where the healing must come from.


This site has some very caring people. They will listen, and support you, so keep writing down your thoughts, and

how you are feeling, and also keep reading as much as possible, which will help you to gain insight into how you can

cope with your own problems.

You will find out that many, many people around the world are facing these very same problems.

Once you realize that you are not alone, our common bond will be the way back out of this darkness.


You Benzo Buddie,



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  • 2 months later...

yes my friend sick with us.  we can give you a lot of support.  if you can find a talk therapist that would be excellent.  i think it would really help.  as far as reinstating a benzo.  In MY Opinion is never the answer.  you so far out that it can't be a protracted withdrawal or anything like that.  you are clear out of the woods of the horrific benzo world. an anti depressant of some sorts maybe.  I know your pain with insomnia and your suicidal thoughts.  I suffer greatly with that.  The mind can be so thrown off without sleep.  just remember you can get through this it's not going to be easy.  but doing it the correct way will make all the difference in the world.  someone on here will always know where your coming from and offer support and reassurance.  because we've all been through it and that kind of advice is priceless.


take it slow my new friend  :thumbsup:,


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