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kevinmd.com: Antipsychotics for elderly - "Sometimes excellent palliative care"


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I felt so conflicted when reading this article. I was trying to understand both sides of the issue, but it's tough to do that when I'm neither a doctor nor someone with dementia/Alzheimers. I'm sure there are many, many stories out there -- both for and against the use of such medications. I just find some of the psychiatric medications so scary. Do we really have the information we need in order to use them properly? Is quality of life actually enhanced by these medications?
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"good for families" says the anonymous author.

Convenient for control. Can't wait for the article describing ECT and psycho surgery being really great for the families, and uh, palliative 'care.'

These are the easiest targets, the low-hanging fruit, and there's reportedly an ongoing epidemic of physical, sexual, financial and other abuses in nursing homes according to many statistics from varied sources.

These patients can in no way defend themselves from being dangerously drugged or worse, not that that would ever happen on a wide scale basis to tens of thousands if not cumulative millions of HUMAN BEINGS in a civil society.


I was looking for the paragraph on neurological toxicity and that whole angle too, just to add some balance to the notion.

Let's get him or her on a good high dose of this excellent stuff and see what it writes after a few months.

I bet it would be 'sometimes excellent.'


There are likely very much more true psychopaths and sociopaths and worse on staff.

Calling Nurse Rachet, there's a patient with an issue!

NO I'm not opposed to medications per se, and darn it this kindling may end me up who knows where or on what.


but imo this article is a general call to normalize chemical restraints and cause potentially permanent damage in an entire demographic of human beings. It sounds like a lobbyist or pharma rep wrote it, and/or paid for it, but who knows...


I mean I don't think special interests would ever really advocate advancing new regulations torturing millions of people just for $ and control. They never do that, it would be inhumane. Just like they'd never hurt you in a detox.






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