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I'm a newcomer on this forum. I chose to get in because is the first time in my life when I'm having these problems.

I've been having panic attacks with de realization feeling ( like I'm not living in this world), bad depression and anxiety for more than 2 months now. My GP prescribed me OXAZEPAM 15 mg pills (SERAX benzodiazepine) but he gave it to me JUST IN CASE. I started to take first half a pill every day in order to be able to cope with the life, to be normal, without dark thoughts and paranoia feelings. I did this for 2 weeks after that I increased the dosage at 15 mg ( a pill per day split into half a pill 7.5 mg in the morning , a quarter pill at noon and a quarter in the evening) .I had to cut the pills because there is no less dosage available in pharmacy the minimum is 10 mg per pill. So I split the pill this way.


I've been taking them for 3 weeks now but I feel that with every day I need more and more to feel the same FEELING OF SAFETY. I know that the tolerance of this drugs us very high and they are very addictive. I would like to cut off this medication but I'm afraid I've been reading about the withdrawal symptoms. I really don't know if is my case as well. I've been taking 15 mg per day and not for long time only 3 weeks but I want to ask how can I cut off this medication without being afraid and having bad FEELINGS - I repeat I have very bad panic attacks and very bad depression.I would like to start taking holistic medicine natural supplements before getting addicted to benzodiazepine.t would be dangerous if I cut them suddenly as long as I've been taking them only for 3 weeks and I'm not taking a high dosage? Can I replace this with a natural supplement like GABA and 5 HTP? As I know I cannot mix them because the natural supplements will increase the effect of benzodiazepine. I've tried to do this few days ago and my blood pressure went very down so I almost faint. I would like to start ASAP with the natural supplements formula for anxiety and panic attacks and cut off the benzodiazepine. I have no idea if the natural supplements works the same as benzodiazepine but I can tell that for sure have a calming affect since two days ago when I mixed them I was almost near to coma. Should I try to cut abruptly my chemical drugs and switch on natural ones?


Please help me with your advises!

Thank you so much!

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Raluca- below are some tips on coping with anxiety and panic. They should start to ease your worried mind. Also, as I suggested, take a look around the posts in this section and see if there is advise already here and  also check the book recommendation section also. No need to cut & paste your same intro ;) Just ask a specific question and also, do some looking around at the existing posts....there are answers and advise all around.


Just Breathe



1. Tell yourself that your body feels funny, but that's it, nothing else is happening. There is no need to worry about what is wrong with you, you'll just panic more. It's just your body over-reacting to something that is not there and it helps to remember that.


2. When you feel anxious, usually it is because you are thinking irrational thoughts about things...and this escalates the anxiety. If you can write down what you are experiencing and thinking in a Journel, and then write the most rational responses to your irrational thoughts, ie "I am going crazy!" Response: "I am NOT going crazy, this is temporary. It is my brain chemistry playing tricks on me. I am NOT scared of the situation, I am scared of my body's reaction which is a FALSE reaction, I am ok!" etc. Writing helps to get you out of the distorted thinking that both causes and makes existing anxiety worse.


3. Breath breath breath, Concentrate on breathing from your diaphragm, not your upper chest.


4. Yoga - or any sort of stretching that involves deep rhythmic breathing and draining thoughts from your head. Focus on an object or on one thought/feeling. If Yoga is not an option, writing helps tremendously. Write anything - your thoughts, observations, this documentation permits you to evaluate your condition. What causes the anxiety and what alleviates it. Moreover, it drains your frustration - letting it out.


5. Read a really good book or see a movie, whatever holds your attention best and takes your mind off your anxiety. It's important to let go of that anxiety and concentrate on something else completely.


6. A nice long, hot bath or shower to relax your muscles and your mind!


7. A helpful phrase to use is, "They are only feelings, they can't hurt me".


8. Remind yourself that sensation is just that - sensation. You have to tell yourself that the physical sensations you're experiencing are not life threatening. It also helps to list for yourself all the times you have been able to do the very things you're afraid of.


9. One of the best ways to combat fear is to exercise - Not only does it relieve stress, it also produces endomorphins which raise your sense of well being - and it becomes another thing that reinforces your "rational" belief that you are not in any physical danger.


10. Drink a warm cup of milk which helps to relax so that you can start to think more rationally, without the anxiety clouding your thoughts. It usually helps to calm the anxious feelings.


11. If you "act" calm, you will be calm. Imitate the body language of a relaxed person and you will take on that feeling within minutes.


12. When you have a panic attack do deep breathing, and say over and over you are calm and relaxed. Think only positive thoughts, instead of thinking you're dying, tell yourself you are fine, you have gone through this many times and nothing has happened before, it takes a lot of practice.


13. Take a nice long walk, the exercise will help to clear your mind or talk to someone you're close to and tell them how you're feeling. Just telling someone else makes you look at it objectively.


14. Listen to music, it takes you away, write a letter to nobody, recite the alphabet backwards, If you're driving pick a color and start counting cars of that colour until you reach 100. Distraction is the key.


15. After you realize that it's just an attack and you're not dying or anything, you will calm yourself down, put on headphones and listen to relaxation music and do some more deep breathing.


What to do if you feel an Anxiety/Panic attack coming on to avoid it?


If you feel a panic or anxiety attack coming on, think through the problem by breaking it down. Imagine the worst that can happen. Nine times out of ten it then appears less serious.



author unknown

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The day before yesterday I did a stupid mistake!

I stopped the pills entirely and I started to take the natural supplements.

I thought I didn't become addicted since I've been taking them for only 3 weeks.

Last night and now I feel very very very bad.

A a bad depression, cramps, nervous , bad bad thoughts, the feeling to harm myself....

I'm so disperate I have nobody to call. The emergency won't help me for sure.

I don't know what to do.

In the morning I took the dosage of GABA and 5 HTP supplements and now I cannot take back the OXAZEPAM because it says do not mix them otherwise the effects of OXAZEPAM will be increased.

I really don't know what to do I'm so scared!

Please help me!


Raluca- I have to bring your PM to the open board, your original tread. I need other's to be able to see what it is that you need and I don't have all the answers. Just sit tight okay...deep breaths...I will be right back.


Just Breathe

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The day before yesterday I did a stupid mistake!

I stopped the pills entirely and I started to take the natural supplements.

I thought I didn't become addicted since I've been taking them for only 3 weeks.

Last night and now I feel very very very bad.

A a bad depression, cramps, nervous , bad bad thoughts, the feeling to harm myself....

I'm so disperate I have nobody to call. The emergency won't help me for sure.

I don't know what to do.

In the morning I took the dosage of GABA and 5 HTP supplements and now I cannot take back the OXAZEPAM because it says do not mix them otherwise the effects of OXAZEPAM will be increased.

I really don't know what to do I'm so scared!

Please help me!


Raluca- I have to bring your PM to the open board, your original tread. I need other's to be able to see what it is that you need and I don't have all the answers. Just sit tight okay...deep breaths...I will be right back.


Just Breathe


Hi Raluca,


You really should talk to a pharmacist or talk to your doctor. There are many resources to help you with your thoughts of harming yourself. Please see if any of these places can help you.... http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=9681.0#post_suicide-self-harm



T2 :smitten:

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Thank you so much for your support!


I feel a little bit better but still afraid.

I've been calling everywhere there's nobody to help me.The doctor cannot be reached, the HEALTH INFO told me to go to emergency and the pharmacist doesn't know anything about GABA and natural supplements.


Thank you again!

Kind people!

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Dear Rayluca:


I am sorry that you are feeling so bad.  There isn't much to do about it except live through it.  Some people say that supplements help but I didn't find that to be the case.  The things that I found that helped were deep breathing and trying not to think.  If you let your thoughts go at this time you just wind up feeling more and more crazy.  It will pass with time.



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I am also finding some relief in listening to music while doing things that don't take much thought......... things like darning socks, sorting through boxes that I still haven't unpacked, etc. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and I don't have to think.
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