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Coping with Anger, Anxiety, and Crying Spells


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I'm a 22 yr/old woman on day 17 of complete withdrawal from Klonopin (after 3 months of tapering.) I was on it for about 1.5 years, about 0.5 or 1 mg every other day. There was no real breaking point where I decided I needed off-- but I got into grad school, decided I wanted a completely clear mind, and I knew I was dependent on it for sleep. I am under observation from a psychiatrist and I see a therapist weekly.


I have always been steady -- to the point of fault. I am, usually, slow to anger. My rage tends to come out more in depression & anxiety, so I am familiar (and relatively comfortable) with both. However, I've been having these bouts of red hot anger. It's like a storm that overtakes me: I've thrown objects against the wall, screamed, cried with rage. I cannot state how much this is out of character for me, and I'm sure it's tied to the withdrawal. It's mostly directed towards past broken relationships, the objects of my rumination, and general things I cannot change.


I go from rage, to a crying spell, to depression, to feeling fine. I do yoga and run regularly. I walk at least 5 miles a day. I'm wondering if anyone has any other tips or advice or coping with this.


Thank you!

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Hi!  I got the same way prior to c/t-ing (when I was in interdose withdrawal).  I had anger and it sometimes erupted in a manner that was really inappropriate to who I normally was (am). 


This anger thing will pass, but it may take a little time.  In the meantime, being aware of it can give you some power over it.  Try to notice it building in you when it occurs.  When you first sense it, realize that you have a choice to continue building the anger or to end it.  You may choose to be angry (I often did), but as long as you realize that you had a choice, you have some power.  In time you'll exercise that power because it is who you are.

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Coffee and sleep!


I have the same problem as you, it is very upsetting to deal with. I find myself avoiding family and situations just to avoid the anger that will come. It is Awsome you can reconize the cycle of emotions that is a very important step in managing them.


So once you start feeling them from a situation try doing a deep breathing excercises. It helps calm your cns and you can literally do them anywhere so there is no excuse not to. I use a 4-7-8 excercise try googling it and give it a shot remember it is a excercise so you have to keep doing it for it to work.


Before all of this benzo bs I was as cool as a cucumber. It has always been one of my favorite strengths. Now just talking to someone can send me into a irritable , frustrated ,anxious ,angry fit. I went to a rage a few times since I jumped and it was always over something so ridiculous that would normally just be another day to me. It is a struggle ,but it is really nice to find people who are going through the same problems so we can share with each other.


Looking back even during my taper it was happening I got pissed at people when bartending , for things that I normally dealt with everyday. I remember one time specifically I got,into it with an older fellow because I had to,cut him off and it pissed me off so,bad. I had to,step outside for,a,half,hour to chill. My coworker made me , I didn't realize I was overreacting.



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Thanks, Betray bill.


I'm the exact same way--always collected, never lost my temper. These days it's as if everything I've ever repressed is coming back to punch me (and everybody else) in the face. Breathing exercises do seriously help.

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That is a great way to put it does feel like all of the things I have repressed are bursting at the seems. I never know what's gonna set me off anymore .
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just accept it and see it as a healing process because thats what is happening. Love yourself for that and do yourself good things. :smitten:
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  • 1 month later...
It's great to read this thread. Not, that everyone is going through it, but to know your not alone. I too have this really bad, and by nature don't fly off. But lately I've felt like a firecracker about to blow. It's usually the object of my rumination as well. The thing is, I know how ridiculous it is in my mind, but my mouth can't tell the difference.
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It's great to read this thread. Not, that everyone is going through it, but to know your not alone. I too have this really bad, and by nature don't fly off. But lately I've felt like a firecracker about to blow. It's usually the object of my rumination as well. The thing is, I know how ridiculous it is in my mind, but my mouth can't tell the difference.


So true that it made me laugh.  :laugh:

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