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A little Humor- You Know you are Tapering or Withdrawing from Benzos When....


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Feel Free to add to this post- have a little fun ( God knows we all need a laugh) 8)


You Know you are Tapering or Withdrawing from Benzos When....


Your Gram scale and Pill bottles become the centerpiece of your living room table


All you talk about is making cuts, holding , dosages etc... Your spouse thinks you are a broken record


The only friends you have seen in months are Benzo Buddies


You have to block yourself from Google because googling symtoms ends you up at the ER


Your house looks like a hurricane hit and is a total mess


You can attest that you have said and done some crazy things while in withdrawl


You now sit in the dark instead of watching TV or turning on lights


showering suddenly becomes optional


your underwear becomes the outfit of the day


your pets think you are crazy





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You get up at 4:00 in the morning and make your own coffee. You grind the beans with your teeth and boil the water with your rage. Before you leave for work, you check the front door a dozen times to make sure it's locked. Then a few miles down the road, you turn around, go back, and check it a dozen more times. The local police call you "The Road Worrier". When you finally get to the office, you discover you've forgotten your wallet - and your shirt's on inside-out. You focus intently on your work, but it seems everyone else does nothing but talk all day long. You want them to shut up. Sometimes you even growl at them. You pray that you'll go deaf. On the drive home, you realize that everyone in the world is stupid, and they're all driving in front of you. When you get home, you nuke a bowl of canned soup and look at the long list of things you have to do. You set it aside and log on to benzo buddies instead. You go to bed and drift off to sleep thinking how everything will be different tomorrow, and you'll be back to your old self.






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you decide to hard boil an egg- put it on stove- forget about it- sit in your chair reading till all the sudden you smell smoke and  the smoke detector  goes off! House filled with smoke! Major brain fog! ( yes that happened yesterday) ...and no I did not burn down house! Thank god :D
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You know you are tapering when:


1. Your doc writes in his notes that you are "OCD" about your medication

2. No one asks how are you are doing today in your circle of people

3. Buzzing, blurring, panicking and shaking are the new normal for how it feels to be you.

4. You are covered in sticky notes, because you can't remember anything anyone says

5. When folks say hi, you don't know if their a casual friend or a stranger being friendly

6. Everyone starts looking alike at work, because of the blurriness, you can't tell Jeff from Scott

7. Your phone is on mute, all the time

8. At least once a day, you think you are dying.

9. You live off of crackers and cheese and energy bars because if you cook anything , you will forget the oven or burner is on.

10. You have to schedule what you do dose by dose, not day by day.

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You know where every bathroom is in a 5 mile radius and have used most of them.

Going to get a haircut is a major event if you can get there.  Or in the alternative you have shaggy hair syndrome.

You make no plans for future events.

People ask you what diet you have been on since you have lost 15 + lbs w/o trying and you want to strangle them since you look like a starving person.

Every morning is a new adventure in benzo land.

Every night is a new adventure benzo land.

You have seen multiple doctors and are healthier than most everyone after all the tests you have had so why do you still feel like crap? 

Going to the mailbox is a major event. 




I love this board.  Hysterical and at least we can laugh at ourselves.

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Worrymiss I was posting at the same time as you. Yep see my # 2.  :sick:


LOL did you end up getting that haircut?

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That's so funny. I haven't cut my hair in about 8 months. Its longer than ever. I fear sitting in the chair for an hour.

Life in Benzo-land


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Worrymiss - yep managed to get there but I call in the morning I can't make an appt.  I guess I am not alone in this - gee who knew?!!
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This thread is great,  I can relate to everything everyone has written. Now that I've been well for quite a long time now, I sit and chuckle and even have some good belly laughs because a lot of this was ME.... for many months. It's good to laugh at something that is overall not funny at all.


Thanks for this!


pianogirl  :smitten:

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Love this thread. You know your Benzo'd  when you cry for no reason and can't stop yourself. And ditto to what everyone else has said.
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You know your Benzo'd when everything in your life is a paradox.


Bad weather is depressing but when it's sunny it's too bright.

You are so tired you could slip into a deep coma but you absolutely can't sleep.

You need company but you have absolutely nothing to talk about and quite frankly you just don't care.

You could die from hunger but can't bring yourself to eat.

You wish you had meds for anxiety but you'd be too anxious to take them.


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When the first thing you check when you leave the house is to make sure you have rescue dose.

You are on level 1780 on candy crush  :laugh:

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  • 2 months later...

... you have your hair chopped off because you just can't give a s**t about styling it anymore.




Omg I've wanted to do this several times because I can't get anywhere to get it done but I was told not to by my mom. Everyday it looks worse. Might have to!

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