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Floxxed without even knowing it....


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So ive been off of klonopin since july, had to quit cold turkey at 4mg because of a concurrent drinking problem. Nightmareish 7 months or so ensued, hellish depression, depersonalization, mood swings, rage, actually FORGOT that i was withdrawing from benzos still and spent around 20,000 at doctors trying to figure out why i felt so ******* awful all the time, was hallucinating, hearing things, felt like i didnt belong in my own body. All the wierd symptoms you read about benzo withdrawal. Then... last month tested positive for a parasitic infection, get put on plaquenil (a fluoroquinolone) felt like a ******* BOMB went off in my face. Developed full blown rage episodes, seizures while sleeping, foaming at the mouth, screaming, seeing things hearing voices, not recognizing peoples faces that ive known for years, getting lost going to work (how the **** am i still working???) Come to find out fluoroquinolones cause a huge resurgence of benzo withdrawal??? My memory came back about quitting benzos... how did i even forget that???? I know i did a dangerous c/t and now this nightmare with antibiotics?? I feel like ive fried my brain out of my skull. Well last week my neuro put me on topomax... holy ****. I slept for the first time in 9 months swear to god. I was able to read two pages of a book at one sitting.... started crying it felt so good. Been of the antibiotics for a month but they half life of 6 months! So i keep getting these waves of absolute insanity. Nothing anyone can do about it. Seroquel makes it a thousand times worse.... just waiting for the next window of good time.... really need some support. Direction. Hope. Am i going to be ****** forever? This is ******* awful. I wouldnt wish this on anyone.


*edit for language

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I feel the same

I love how you said you forgot you were withdrawing...because I’m at 15 months of Klonopin withdrawal and forgot that’s what is making me dizzy (after a CT and MRI said it wasn’t a rare disease)

Did topomax work for you in the long run?


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Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) is not a fluoroquinolone-class antibiotic. You do not suffer from fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome.

Because it contains "chloroquine" in the name does not mean it's a fluoroquinolone antibiotic.

You probably had an adverse reaction to plaquenil, that's possible. Or a herxheimer reaction caused by the endotoxins which were released when the parasites died off.

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