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The dreams are ending, now what?


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I posted this on the insomnia forum, but since it's technically part of withdrawal, I figure maybe I'll get more answers if I repost it here:


According to Ashton, there's a period of about 4-6 weeks where during withdrawal, users suffer from rebound REMS and have crazy dreams and nightmares.


In regular benzodiazepine users REMS and SWS tend to return to pre-drug levels (because of tolerance) but the initial deficit remains. On withdrawal, even after years of benzodiazepine use, there is a marked rebound increase in REMS which also becomes more intense. As a result, dreams become more vivid, nightmares may occur and cause frequent awakenings during the night. This is a normal reaction to benzodiazepine withdrawal and, though unpleasant, it is a sign that recovery is beginning to take place. When the deficit of REMS is made up, usually after about 4-6 weeks, the nightmares become less frequent and gradually fade away.


This is usually also accompanied by intrusive and/or disturbing thoughts/memories.


A fascinating symptom in patients undergoing benzodiazepine withdrawal is that they often mention the occurrence of what seem to be intrusive memories. Their minds will suddenly conjure up a vivid memory of someone they have not thought about or seen for years. Sometimes the other person's face will appear when looking in the mirror. The memory seems uncalled for and may recur, intruding on other thoughts. The interesting thing about these memories is that they often start to occur at the same time that vivid dreams appear; these may be delayed until one or more weeks after the dosage tapering has started. Since recent sleep research indicates that certain stages of sleep (REMS and SWS) are important for memory functions, it is likely that the dreams and the memories are connected.


I'm about 1/3 of the way through my taper, now down to 1.5 mg of Valium (haven't updated my signature recently) and the dreams have started to subside, as have the intrusive thoughts. At first it was just a drop in the frequency, then they became less vivid, and last night was the first night in over a month where I can't remember dreaming at all.


I take this as a good sign, and Ashton even says that it's a sign of healing taking place.


In both cases the phenomena may herald the beginning of a return in normal memory functions and, although sometimes disturbing, can be welcomed as a sign of a step towards recovery.


That said, she doesn't give much clue as to what happens between the time where REM sleep settles down and slow wave sleep begins to come back.


Does anyone have a similar experience with this? How long after the dreams ended did deep sleep return?


For what it's worth, I'm taking Remeron to help me sleep and aid my depression. Besides, 1.5  mg of Valium doesn't do anything for me. That said, my gut feeling is that my sleep is improving little by little.

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