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Social Anxiety


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Hello everyone,

I am new here and would like some advice. I've been off Klonopin for 5mths now and the reason I took it was because of my Social Anxiety. I now attend CBT for 2 months now but still feel very nervous and practically scared in social situations. It is a very hard struggle for me to even go to my local supermarket alone without worrying about people judging me and feeling they will notice how nervous I am. Others you have these Social Anxiety will know exactly how this feels . My thoughts are about people judging me negatively and I feel people are staring at me. I know sounds crazy lol . I'm just looking for any strategies anyone has used to overcome this debilitating disorder. It truly is ruining my life. I still haven't seen improvement yet from CBT but , it has only been 2 months and I know I have a long way to go. The only think I can say is that I can now realize and catch my negative thoughts about being in situations however, changing them to positive ones is the real challenge.

Thank you for listening, God Bless everyone

Took Klonopin  0.5 msg for 1 year

Taper for one week . Doc instructions  - spilt pill in half

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Yeah, I remember I used to not even be able to walk down the street because I would just constantly be thinking about how every single car is watching me. Now, I'm just kind of used to be terrified and extremely anxious all the time. Like I just put myself in situations like being in class and being surrounded by tons of people and just kind of got used to being in that state of being extremely anxious, like all the time. Like if someone randomly calls me or something to hang out and I get really nervous I just ride with it because I'm so used to being that extremely anxious all the time, so my life whole is basically just me being in that terrified state and worrying about people judging like 24/7, but I can take on way worse situations now because I've slowly learned to kind of be numb just by being so anxious like all the time, and it doesn't phase me as much. And don't think I'm like any better than you in social situations because I literally am like the worst person you can think of in social situations and am extremely bad at being social, like a lot worse than the average person, I've just adapted to that state of anxiety over time and have learned to live with it. Hopefully that is helpful to you in some way.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you BBlights for your response. I just want to be comfortable outside not so nervous, that makes me very uncomfortable and it can make people around me uncomfortable too.
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Not sure what point you're at in your journey away from benzos but wanted to suggest you look up Trudy Scott who is a nutritionist that talks extensively about pyroluria, a social anxiety condition. She has a questionaire and has seen great success treating her patients with nothing more than zinc, B6 and evening primrose oil. Definitely worth looking into! I know I'm deficient in zinc but have yet to add it to my list of natural remedies. Good luck!


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