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whoever said that life was short, never went through this, lol


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Minutes like hours, hours like days, days like weeks, months like years.  I think we are living through infinity.


To think that i might only be 1/4 of the way through, scares the living ba-jesus out of me.  But it might, and seems like it could get easier, knock on wood.


I wonder what time will feel like when all is said and done :)

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Here's a thought:


If we can learn to live our lives in the present moment (mindfully), then this moment is all that matters.  And the concept of time will be irrelevant. 



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You know i already totally agree with you, being a fellow buddhist, DBT buddy, Echart Tolle friend, lol.


Just joking around that in a cartesian sense of linear time, that life of a benzo head sure isn't short.

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