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Need Advice On Next Cut


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I seem to fall in this gray area between short and long term use, and curious for thoughts as Ashton seems to apply to slightly longer term use and I have already been cutting for awhile. Currently I'm on .7 ativan and ready for next cut.


Started taking three months ago due to a health issue,  and keep working my way down. Have had bad withdrawal symptoms the whole time, but the health issue was probably initially complicating things and as I'm healing my cuts have gone better (although still hard side effects, like heart palpitations and headaches).


I want to get off as quickly as possible, and feel I can keep doing more than 10% cuts given my shorter term use. Would love to go down to .5, but perhaps .525 or .55 is smarter. I currently dose 4 times a day and cut my pills with a gram scale (which is working out well). Any thoughts are appreciated!

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My advice is to cut small and more frequent.  You may go at the same rate, but you will feel better.  Those big cuts are removing the drug way in advance of when your body is ready to deal with that shortage so your symptoms are intense.  Why not leave most of the drug in your body to cover symptoms and only remove a little at a time so your body will not be so stressed?
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I agree with SG.  You can start with .65 for a few days see how you feel, move to .625 see how you feel, then .6 see how you feel and so on.  If your cutting is more accurate you could even do smaller cuts more often.


Stay strong!


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Interesting, thanks for the input. Sharkey, it looks like you've been cutting this way. How are your side effects?
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I am doing liquid titration with daily micro cuts.  My symptoms have been manageable since I started reducing this way.  I cut 1% a day or .0025mg a day.


Stay strong!


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