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Risks of withdrawal are real


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I have come to the conclusion that people seem to develop tinnitus, hyperacusis, sensitivities to light, food, touch, smells and different types of neuropathy that seem to be permanent or very long term. They might realize at some point, that they should never have started to taper but turning back scares, too.


I have been stuck into the middle myself. I am too afraid to taper futher as I have got tinnitus, hyperacusis during this taper (of amitriptyline). I feel I have neuropathy lurking there, too. Everytime I taper even a little bit there is this almost pain that makes me wonder if it would develop into something more permanent.


I have lost the overall healthy feeling that I always had. I failed with my taper and it is one of the hardest failures of my life. I was so sure I'll make this and I was proud of myself in beforehand. After re-starting amitriptyline I have felt that I missed my only chance. I already was there. Couldn't tolerate acute withdrawal (and didn't know what it was) and thus re-started amiteiptyline. I really really really would find it important that people who have read Ashton were told that there is this one thing she is not mentioning at all: acute withdrawal. You might think that your hard work is done, once you finish tapering. That's too optimistic. You should, at least I should have, aimed at that point as it were the most important time of my life. Be very careful, check that the Tim is right, or the best possible, you've got some support etc. No stress!


There are risks in withdrawal that can either happen during the taper or after it during acute withdrawal. Once you get a severe tinnitus, you might think that this was not worth of it. I would have been much better off where I was 3 years ago compared to where I am now.


This is not only supposed to be pessimistic talk but raise some discussion about how to do it right or maybe not at all. Some people don't have both options, if they're feeling so awful on drugs they just have to get off. But some people have choose. I think people should be aware of the risks.

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I think most here know of the risk but are willing to suffer through withdrawal with the true hope of having a much better life without benzos. It make take time and be very rough, but I'm willing to go through that to lead the life I should have been leading all along, which was great for me until I took a little blue pill.

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The risk here doesn't mean suffering but permanent damage. There are those of us who were ok with the pill. But who didn't know the dangers of withdrawal. Who maybe should have thought twice.
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