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Is this a groundbreaking cure for opiates and 'benzos' addicts?


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Is this very poorly written or is my w/d brain failing me again?


Nevertheless, interesting read.


Qui, my Benzo brain doesn't know what to think of it either.....

but thanks for posting, every info is welcome.

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To call flumazenil, the naltrexone equivalent for benzos, grossly overstates the established effectiveness of flumazenil for benzo discontinuance & assumes that the majority of benzo users are psychologically addicted to benzos in a similar way to opiate addicts.


As we all know, even the strongest psychological will in the world to quit benzos does not dispense with the withdrawal process which arises due to slow to reverse changes in the neural system.


As is apparent from the article, there remains much to know about flumazenil such that O'Neill's patients are guinea pigs for his research. There are very mixed reports from flumazenil detox & reports of success seem few & far between. It may be that it has some potential in some cases but I would be concerned if people take the headline on face value & rush into treatment.

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Interesting  article. Thanks for sharing. We need more research on drugs that could shorten the length of Benzo W/d.


Flumazenil seems to work for a quick detox of 7 days. Patience still have side effects but it gets benzo out of system quicker that tapering. Withdrawal side effects are supposed to be shorter 2 to 3 months.

This is promoted by the Coleman Institute.  They claim 98% success rate.


Some people have used Flumazenil to help end protracted w/d.  I am at 17 months after the end of my taper and still suffer greatly.  I tried the Flumazenil treatment to see if it would help reset my neurotransmitters. So far I have seen no improvement. The doctor said to give it a couple of weeks and then I should see some improvement. I'm disappointed with the results, but hopeful it might help in the long run.


The clinic is in Seattle. It is a 7 day treatment of subcutaneous injections given over a 4 hr period. One must be monitored closely because Flumazenil can cause a seizure. The clinic did an excellent job.

Very thorough and careful.  Cost is $5,000. Results not guaranteed, as it helps some but not others.


If you want more info. PM me.


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I read about experiment with flumazenil that looked at its use for dental patients who had taken a benzodiazpine before a procedure. The researchers looked at whether it reversed the balance/dizziness issues that result from taking the benzo. While the flumazenil worked on making people more alert, they still had balance problems for hours after taking the benzo. So those of us whose balance is affected by years of benzo use, it's highly unlikely that flumazenil can speed up the process of "vestibular compensation" or normalization. It just takes time..... a lot of time.
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