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Dr. David Healy - Raising Awareness of Inappropriate or Harmful Deprescribing Practices ×



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But sharing experiences is what is helpful to most members, don't you think?  I, for one, wished there had been more honest and open experiences of others members' journies.  Of course, I fall in the category of not being open and in hindsight have wondered if that was fair to other members.  Just thinking out loud.


Patty  xo

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I do absolutely agree that sharing our own honest experiences, good or bad, is very important here. That wasn't really what I meant, so I may not have stated it correctly. What I was concerned about were the 'absolute' statements; That because it happened to them, it will happen to the other person. There are never absolutes when it comes to benzo wd. I think it's important to be mindful of our words. Sometimes they can plant a seed of unnecessary fear that might not have been there before. I was just trying to make a point that Lugnut should not expect the worst, since at this time it doesn't seem he has a choice in the matter.

I don't mean to upset anyone. Quite the opposite.  I"m just trying to look out for everyone:)   

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I appreciate all of your imputs my fellow buddies....xoxoxo


Here is a question that is frieking me out...4 days ago I stopped the estrogen...and the next day I tried kava kava and got really dizzy and felt like my brain was going numb and I was feeling like unreal...so I thought it was the kava kava...


I kept titrating very slowly like I do and I noticed on the 4th day of no estrogen cuz I just stopped it...bio estrogen ..and I called the pharmacy and was told it would not bother me to stop ct too much...well I was dizzier and so I thought ok maybe I should have not done the ct off the estrogen..so I reinstated it cuz I felt so weird...then I got very dizzy before bed and all night could not sleep and had hot flashes and poured out in sweat...racing heart, high bp and high hr and felt like my brain was foggy...scared me and then I felt this way all day but even worse and feels like I am not able to concentrate ...I feel worse today than any time during my taper so far...and I wonder if it is the benzo or if it is me stopping and starting the estrogen in that 4 day incroment?  and if so...um..did I goof up my taper?  will I go back to where I was if I take the estrogen like I was doing and then I can resume my taper or will this take a while?  or did I totally mess it up now that I did this?


also my doc wants me on lexapro...he says I have a lot of anxiety being afraid of my taper too that is self inflicted cause I fear I will not be normal or will go into ct or will not be able to get off the benzo...on and on and he said it would stop the looping thoughts and anxiet and fears....what do you think?


thanks all.

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I see you've started 3 new topics about all this on the General Withdrawal Support/Other Prescribed Medications board.  That's probably where you will see the most responses specific to your questions.  On any given day, 30-40 members may check in and not all check all the posts, so just know that you probably won't find a lot of people with direct experience with lexapro, bio-identical hormones and supplements, like kava-kava and 5-htp.



I don't think you've messed up your taper but just the month fluctuation in hormones can make symptoms worse so I imagine just stopping the bio identicals have contributed to your agitation and maybe the sweating and other symptoms.  Did you discuss with the prescribing physician that you wanted to stop taking them?  Maybe he/she could advise you how to taper off of them.


We generally recommend changing only one drug at a time so you can know what is causing what.  I think you have made things more complicated by going on kava-kava and off hormones but I don't think it has any affect on your gaba receptors and benzo taper.  Rushing around trying this and that in a desperate attempt to feel better usually makes things worse.  I'm just sayin'...

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beeper..thanks..I have not really gone on the kava ..was wondering if it works...I went back on the estrogen til I finish this mess.

I wish I could pin point how to lessen the high anxiety...it is in my chest mostly ..very tight and uncomfortable..this is where this detox bites me...and I dunno how to lessen it ....when I go lower it seems to stay around longer...so I dunno how to make it stop...and then I wonder too if the stress feeling like that will go away...spooky...as in the ct's the stress hit so hard I had my diaphram seethe up and i ended back on the benzos for a release of it...I am trying to figure out how to manage this sx....oh boy..


if I knew it would not be worse as I lowered or got better I would be ok ...just worried.

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