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One month benzo free and this is so hard...


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Hey all, it is good to be here. I hope to get/give much needed support... I started taking clonazepam (Klonopin) after going thru a rough time in 2008. It  didnt really give me problems for a long time, I just continued to take it. I recently heard how Klonopin causes memory loss and it wasnt't working for me anymore, so I decided to get off it CT on 8 november(5 weeks ago). BIG mistake. The first week was fine, the second week I th afought I would go crazy. Terror, foggy brain, zaps, body pain, nausea, inabilty to concentrate, dizziness, vertigo, anxiety, tremors... My docto r said I was extremely foolish (fair point) and said I had to stick it out and he didn't want to put me back on them so I could taper.

Now I have the aforementioned symptoms plus anhedonia, lethargy and I can barely move, everything hurts. I am really scared things will never improve. I have had to take a leave of absence from work as I can barely read without a huge headache. I really really need to hear it can get better... thanks.

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Hi benzofreakedout and welcome to the forum.


Let me first say that yes, it will get better.  This sounds like acute withdrawal and it's very rough.  Though I haven't cold turkeyed, we have many members here who have, and can reassure and support you right now.


I'm sorry your doctor didn't give you the option to reinstate and taper, but at this point you're five weeks in and reinstatement, even if possible, is iffy.  So you're in the 'stick it out' situation, which is dealing with the symptoms of withdrawal.


Here's something I find to be spot on about recovering from benzo withdrawal:  Coping with Benzo Withdrawal


To start posting on the forum, you may want to start here: Cold Turkey, Detox and Rapid Withdrawal and/or here: Post Withdrawal Support.


You can read more about benzodiazepine withdrawal in the Ashton Manual if you want. 


Please include your benzodiazepine information in your posts.  To make that easier by adding it to each post automatically, you can go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


Again, I want you to know you'll recover from this.  It's a hard hit on your central nervous system, but it's temporary.  It may take longer than you'd expect to start feeling better, but that's par for the course in this.


Take care,


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Welcome  :) A cold turkey withdrawal is just plan old awful. I know firsthand how frightening and terrifying it can be. I went through one a year ago. The first month was absolutely horrific. I had many of the symptoms you describe. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I thought I was going insane. The mental torment was beyond excruciating. The acute phase of withdrawal, and I think that is where you are, is by far the worse time of withdrawal. They typically resolve by about 6 weeks. Mine lasted about 4. It truly was the most terrifying experience in my life. Once you leave the acute phase you should find some relief. I started to really get better around month 6 and things only got better each month from there. At one year out I am healed. Please know as horrible and frightening as your symptoms are they are only a temporary thing. I know it is hard to believe now feeling so horrible but there will be a time when this nightmare is behind you. There is a life after benzos. Wishing you some relief quickly :smitten:
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Thanks to both :) I do believe it will get better.

I have moments of something resembling normalcy, things aren't horrific 100% of the time, all the time.

Last thing my doctor said is if I feel REALLY bad, we can try a taper, would that be going backwards?? I am starting week 6... please advise. Can things wet WORSE if I taper?

This is a great place, thank you SO much for your support! Much love

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Glad you joined us. I am 66 and 3 1/2 months into c/t from 2 years lorazepam.  I was made an unwilling addict during cancer treatment. The first month was the worst by far. I had 3 acute bowel/stomach attack days but that seems to be over now. The physical symptoms keep improving although I still get those electric jolts in my muscles. If my husband touches me on my upper back it will trigger jolts. We are electric and this proves it. I sleep better now. Food tastes better too. No appetite though.

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Hi Benzofreakedout!

I can tell you this is a great forum, you are going to be fine! Please do not be so scared, try to be optimistic, wish you all the best! :)

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