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4 months and counting


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Yesterday I completed 4 months out. More than a celebration, I wish to leave a record of my journey at this point. I think celebration has more sense for people who spent many years taking this drugs and every month away from is a great achievement.

I am doing quite well now comparing how I was one month ago; healing is happening without a doubt.

Currently I am still struggling mostly with insomnia, which haven't noticeable improved, but my depression has partially lifted and can enjoy life sometimes. Last month I had the opportunity to do normal things like going to a cinema, outside dinners and going for a date + coitus. All the other symptoms are mostly gone.

Still very weak, inpatient and at the mercy of my sleeping pattern. I think once my sleep normalize I can start to be functional and think about the future.

I also moved from India to Venezuela to stay with my father for the rest of my recovery. I was very scared about travelling so far as it took more than 24 hours but everything went all right. Change in environment definitely help to forget and distract.


My deepest best wishes of recovery to all BB. Thanks for being there.



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It sounds like you are doing great, all things considered!!! The plane flight along would have terrified me!

I'll keep my prayers going for your continued recovery!


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