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xanax user, 6mg. daily for 7 years


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Been prescribed and taking xanax for 7 - almost 8 years.i have had a really positive experience with the medication but it can be a monster if not taken as prescribed. Sometimes in the past I've eaten many more pills than I should have and experienced the memory loss that accompanies that and also experienced the withdrawal from running out of my xanax early. I've learned over the years, that as hard as it is, to take them as prescribed. In fact, I'm thinking of asking my Doctor to add another benzo to my regimen. Maybe valium or one more xanax a day. The problem I have is that xanax is short lived. I am aware of and have tried klonopin which is longer lasting but doesn't give me the same relief that the xanax does. I'll see what my Doctor says, I have an appointment coming up soon.
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Hello illatoke,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


At 6mg of Xanax per day, you're taking a very high dose of Xanax.  According to the Ashton Manual, this is equivalent to 120mgs of Valium.  I was in the same boat as you, taking 6mgs of Xanax per day.  Over the years my dose kept climbing higher and higher in order for the medication to be as effective as it once was.  This was because of tolerance.  There are some forms of tolerance where the dosage can be increased to gain some stability, but often what we have seen in some members is when tolerance problems become severe, there is no amount of any type of benzo that relieves symptoms.  When in severe tolerance all of the withdrawal symptoms can emerge, even while still taking the benzo.  This is what happened to me and I suffered with it for a long time before I figured out what was going on.  Benzos, when we begin to experience tolerance/withdrawal, can actually cause the symptoms we first took the medicine for, to become worse. When I grasped this concept, I knew I had to completely withdraw from the medication so I could get my life back.  If I were in your shoes, knowing what I now know, I would taper off rather than allow myself to become a prisoner of a forever escalating dose.  Good luck.


Here are some helpful links:


You can post a topic about tapering on our General Taper Plans Board.  The second pink-highlighted post explains the three accepted taper methods.  Also:


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Members discuss their symptoms on Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Welcome to the board!

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welcome! Juliea was the perfect one to answer your post. She has been EXACTLY where you are. In my opinion if you choose to increase you dose you risk reaching tolerance and having to increase it over and over. You are already on an very large dose. If you have some time please look at the Ashton Manual that juliea sent you. It will give you a much better understanding on benzodiazepines. I would encourage you do read about tapering.
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Hi illatoke,

Benzos are serious buisness , they are meant for short term use.

Juliea has given you some food for thoughts, i hope you make

the right decision and consider a sensible taper in order to come

off for good.

warm welome and all the best,

Claudia :)


p.s. there are 2 links at my signature which explain how these meds

affect our brain, interesting.

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Thanks all for the warm welcome and advice. I will be reading the links you've posted and discussiThanks all for the warm welcome and advice. I will be reading the links you've posted and discussing my options with my doctor. The anxiety I experience is pretty severe but I could probably deal with that by means other than benzos but I also have bad ptsd and go into like convulsive panic attacks. I was severely burned on my head, face, neck and hands in 2007 and in 2010 I was in a racing accident and broke my back, neck and jaw. Now I have a morphine pump implanted in my abdomen after no relief from pain having a single fusion surgery in my neck and a triple fusion in my lower back as well as 4 titanium plates in my jaw and all porcelain veneers to replace the teeth that got knocked out/shattered. Sometimes it's really hard to cope with having to learn to basically live your life over again. It's just been a miserable experience. ng my options with my doctor. The anxiety I experience is pretty severe but I could probably deal with that by means other than benzos but I also have bad ptsd and go into like convulsive panic attacks. I was severely burned on my head, face, neck and hands in 2007 and in 2010 I was in a racing accident and broke my back, neck and jaw. Now I have a morphine pump implanted in my abdomen after no relief from pain having a single fusion surgery in my neck and a triple fusion in my lower back as well as 4 titanium plates in my jaw and all porcelain veneers to replace the teeth that got knocked out/shattered. Sometimes it's really hard to cope with having to learn to basically live your life over again. It's just been a miserable experience.
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Welcome illatoke! I to am a Xanax involuntary addict. Here is some input for your upcoming Dr's appt. The members who have cautioned you about increasing your dosage of any benzodiazepine are very wise to caution you against that course of action. So, having been on Xanax for 22 years I experienced inter-dose withdrawal all the time which actually contributed to my upping my dose beyond what was prescribed. So, go to your doctor and ask to switch 3 or 4 of your 6 Mg a day to Xanax/Alprazolam ER (Extended Release). It should be a big help in your situation as it helps alleviate the inter-dose withdrawal. All the best to you, Hairbear
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