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Valium dosage level


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Good morning,


In preparation for my doctors visist, I have a question on substituting Oxazepam for Diazepam.


I have read on this site about finding a level of medication that works for me before I begin my tapering. Based on the equivalency charts I have found, 15 mg of Diazepam is equivalent to the 30 mg of Oxazepam I am currently taking.


My question is: am I looking for a dosage level of Diazepam that equals the effect of my current Oxazepam, or should I be looking for a dosage level that provides me with the sleep relief I am looking for.

I ask as I am on the highest recommended dosage, and have become tolerant to the Oxazepam. 


Does that question make sense?


Thank you!





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Hi Arthur,

I see Oxazepam has a much shorter half than V. May be best to see if you Dr will cross you over to Valium via Ashton method. My wife was taken directly off Ativan and put on V. NOT FUN! Not to mention she was short changed as well



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