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support for those w/ head pressure


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I am trying to stay positive with this process but it is hard sometimes. I see that many suffer so much with this s/x, so thought I would start  this thread to give us all a place to share how we feel and to support each other.


It is great to try to stay positive, but we also need a place to stomp our feet sometimes, and (throw things out of the pram) as Reduct says, loved that Reduct).


Hope everyone is feeling some relief today..m

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I am so with you...my head pressure is right sided and they throws off my balance because everything from the inner ear, etc is all right sided :-( I sometimes feel like I am being pulled to the right. It truly sucks.  :'(
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I have it too Minnie. Well I don't know if it's head pressure. My face is really sore as if someone has scratched it. And it's worse when I'm hungry!


Love Buddy

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Hi, Minnie,


Thanks for this support group :)


I suffer from various head/brain symptoms almost every day. Currently, I have ear pressure and my brain feels as if someone put a device in it that's gonna explode at any minute. I know it sounds nutty, but that's the best way I can describe it. The head symptoms started with debilitating migraines when I was still taking the Klonopin; the migraines are gone now, thank God (I haven't had them since May), but I'm left with head/ear/eye pressure, vibration/buzzing, tension headaches, squeezing and sometimes burning (that's awful). Sometimes it feels like my brain is "moving" or "floating" in my head, and I can hear weird crunching/cracking noises from my skull on a daily basis, especially in the evenings.


My symptoms are almost exclusively right sided starting with the migraines. I have no idea what that means.

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I am so with you...my head pressure is right sided and they throws off my balance because everything from the inner ear, etc is all right sided :-( I sometimes feel like I am being pulled to the right. It truly sucks.  :'(


I have that feeling of being pulled to the right, too :-\

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I am so with you...my head pressure is right sided and they throws off my balance because everything from the inner ear, etc is all right sided :-( I sometimes feel like I am being pulled to the right. It truly sucks.  :'(


I have that feeling of being pulled to the right, too :-\


Hmmmm...I wonder what the right sided stuff is about. Sometimes I feel cool sensations in my brain. All of it is daunting.

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Hi Minnie! Great idea for the support group. My head and sinuses are filled with pressure and it has traveled to my ears and now my jaw hurts. Lets all support each other  :smitten: Jenny
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Thanks for starting the support group. I too have had almost daily head pressure isolated to the forehead. Feels like a tight band that presses the forehead. The pressure increases with anxiety but a friend of mine who does massages says there isn't any muscles that would tense and cause forehead pressure. So I assume this is still a nagging W/D symptom.
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LovingM.....Welcome to the horrible head club.....one club we do not want to be members of!! So sorry you have this. I hope we can all support each other. That sideways thing is awful and keeps me from moving to much some days. Are you able to do much? I hope so.


Hi buddy......So sorry your face is sore. My jaw hurts sometimes. I also used to get really itchy, very annoying. Hope you come back!


Sinnerman.....welcome! Excellent description!! What you describe is not nutty at all, well it is nutty that a drug can do this to all of us. I am so glad your headaches are gone, they were the reason I reinstated. I think that was a mistake, but the headaches were horrible! You sound like you have been hit really hard w/ so many things happening in your head. I am so sorry, my heart goes out to you...it is challenging on a minute by minute basis at times. I have quit trying to make sense of all of the activity I guess it is what it is until it isnt. I have to believe this will let up for all of us. I hope you come back and we will all see each other to the healing side. m


Hi jenny.... so glad you are here...we really need the support. It is so hard to deal with this every day. So sorry for you, that pressure feeling is terrible..and the sinuses ugggh. I thought it was allergies but I now believe it is w/d since it is accompanied with the ear pressure and other varying s/x. Oh yes the jaw pain....awful, feels like I was punched in the jaw. I hope you have some relief soon. Do your s/x ever lighten up for you? I so hope they do. Mine does but not where I feel it is gone. When it does lighten up, I do enjoy that, but I know I am bracing for the next round. Not a fun way to live. I know one day soon we will all enjoy quiet in our heads again.....it is just that space in between that is sooooooo hard. I hope relief finds you soon........m


CoACO.......wecome and thankyou.Maybe it is the nerve endings in the scalp that are messed up. I dont know but I hope whatever it is gives all of us a BIG break soon.


I have followed many threads and while they are all wonderful support I wanted a club for our poor heads to rest...we are all so weary at times.


I also had the band around my head it is so awful! Are your head feelings constant or do you get some relief? I hope you do. I want my head to stop being the ball in the tennis court. I guess this is the way it will be until it just stops there is no way out, just thru. We will all make it.


Now we have a place where we can come to express how we feel and everyone here will understand, Yes fellow warriors!! I so hope your S/x let you rest some..........m

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Does the pressure ever let up for anyone?? Mine used to come and go, but the last 3 weeks has been 24/7. Feels like I have a bad head cold.. Ugh!
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Jenny mine has not let up for about 3 wks. We went on vacation 5 wks ago and during that time my head s/x were pretty mild The benzo belly was the worst, now it is asleep and my head got way worse. it just makes no sense! We left on a tues. and tues. evening the head s/x came back full force and have not let up since. I dont know how you feel but everytime they let up I have a brief thought that they are gone, only to be disappointed again. We always pick ourselves up and keep moving somehow??


I went to the gym this morning, if I wait until this is over I will be completely out of shape. I even turned up the music while driving and sang. it felt good even thou my head was squeezing and ringing!! I want to enjoy things as much as possible or I get angry and sad. Sometimes though, I just cannot help but to be angry and sad, then throw in the tears and I have a complete pity party. I dont ever invite anyone, but maybe this support group will allow one sometimes.


I hope so that your s/x ease up for you it is such a heavy burden Jenny, but we will make it. Oh I am sick of hearing that phrase, this minute anyway. I was going to erase it, but I know it is true, just the daily suffering makes me act like a baby sometimes.


Hugs and comport to you sweet girl...m

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it used to come and go though for the past 72hrs has been pretty consistant. Even after my hour massage on Wed. still had it. Not sure what the heck it is but I'm about a month out from using Alprazolam and it's still there maybe a tad more annoying. 
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Thank you Minnie for your sweet words. I think its good to vent every now and then and get a little angry, that's what were here for, no one else can understand all of this but us. Let's hope this sx  goes away soon for all of us. Jenny  :smitten:
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Yes I am CoAco ....during acute ( first 6 wks.) I only slept about 2 hrs. a night. I felt like I was plugged into a light socket. It was horrible I hope you are not real bad. Slowly I started to sleep more, now I sleep about 6 hrs. but it is very broken. Still not my normal, I was always a good sleeper, pre benzo. I had none of my s/x pre benzo.


I never had out of the ordinary anxiety, headaches, or any other s/x I am dealing with now. I hurt my back building a stone wall in my garden, all of the meds followed. I wish I would not have been such a baby about pain. My back is now fine, I would take that pain any day over this.


A couple of different s/x wake me up, one is feeling really hot inside my body, the other is some body anxiety, like I feel revved up. Sometimes I can go back to sleep, sometimes not, it is always different, always frustrating!!


How is your sleep? What s/x do you suffer with? Do you also have ringing in your ears? I hope things improve for you....m

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CoAco.....I just read your signature, it breaks my heart that you have been through so much and now this, bless you. Sometimes there are not words to express your sorrow of anothers suffering.


You have 2 little ones I hope you are able to enjoy them while you you are going thru this it must be challenging.


You have to be a strong man to go thru what you have. I am truly sorry my friend, is your heart okay now?....m

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Hi jenny.....yes I need to vent some I usually do it alone but it is nice to have a little company!


I am sorry yo have to deal w/ a sister that is almost perfect.


You always sound so kind, I am sure you have many great qualities that put you right there with her. I think looking perfect on the outside does not always match the inside.


It is a parade I would not want to march in. To much work! I have felt many times when I was younger that someone was always doing something better than me. Over the years ( I am 61 now ) I have learned to let alot of that go and just do my best. That is something I wish I would have learned when I was young I hope it goes well for you.....m






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Hi Minnie, thanks for setting this up.  I'm a 24/7 sufferer, so I'll try and drop by every so often to rest my poor, heavy head.  I'll bring lots of comfy cushions for everyone else too!


Wishing everyone a restful night.  :smitten:

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Thanks Minnie for your kaela and words- yes surgery was rough and wish, just like you, that I would have dealt with my issues instead of medicating with benzos. My heart is healthy now just working on the mental issues now.


Funny we both seem to be in the same boat- I think the pressure increases in my forehead when my anxiety increases over sleep. I was only getting roughly 2-4 he's during acute but range anywhere from 4-9 he's of broken up sleep. I take a diuretic that makes me pee every 2 he's so haven't had straight 8 since surgery. But I get ringing in NY right ear pretty bad. Like I said it increases with my anxiety towards sleep so it's similar, I think, with you.


Surgery or not we are all strong for going thru what we go thru. I know you and I along with everyone else WILL get better. We just need time and patience! Thanks again Minnie and you have all my good vibes directed towards your recovery- and please DM me if you ever need to talk or vent outside the forum!

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First, Minnie, thanks for setting up this thread.


I wonder if anyone can help me. I jumped 6 weeks ago from a low dose and things are intolerable. My worst symptoms are jerks and head zaps. Last night i got a jerk in my leg. It went several times and I felt funny in my head at the same time. Then I woke in and out of sleep with severe spasms all over my body. I was so scared I was having a seizure. My spasms and twitches can be constant.


I would like to get myself checked out (not to take more medication) but here in the UK I am trapped. The doctor refuses to attest that my case is urgent. The hospital refuse to see me as a priority because they say they are replying on a doctor to say it's urgent. The doctor says the hospital would act if it was urgent.


Love Buddy

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abcd.......Hello nice to meet you..do not know you well and already you are bringing comphy cushions for our weary heads...my kind of person....I will bring gentle head massagers and warm apple pie w/ vanilla ice cream!! See you there!!........m
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Oh My Goodness....THANK YOU. So so much...I thought I was one of only a few suffering this....I didn't get it until the beginning of month 6.  At the beginning of month 9 I am still getting days of it.  Not like in the beginning but it makes me nuts with discomfort and health fear.....tva k you Minnie for getting this going...I am following it with great hope for encouragement...coop
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CoACO....Thank you for the kind words. I am so glad to hear you are healed from your heart surgery, such an ordeal for your young age.


You are one of the short term users that got hit, is that not crazy to be on something such a short time and then have to suffer at least the amount of time you took it ugh!! I wish we would have been informed, but that is hindsight, now we know and hopefully we can inform others. I wonder if I would have believed this if it had not happened to me? It is so ridiculous....


Did I read your sig right you have only been off since july? If that is correct I think it is great sign of healing that you are seeing improvements so soon I hope that is the case. Sleep is so important, it sounds like we are about the same there.


Any pressure or strange feelings in my head makes me anxious. I woke up last night around 2, my head was alive with the weird sensations, I wondered if they were coming from my brain or my scalp. Coming from my brain was a scary thought, anyway I started to experiment with my scalp, like slightly pulling the hair on top of my head,raising my forehead up and down, and pushing with my fingers all over my scalp, I know it sounds crazy but some of those creepy feelings left and I was able to go back to sleep, somewhat relaxed. Did I say relaxed? I have not used that word to describe me in forever. Maybe more healing.


Sorry you have that darn ringing it can drive you crazy. I also understand the pee thing, it has stopped now but for a couple of months I had to get up to pee every hr. or so, it had something to do w/ the w/ds  since it is now gone. How long will you have to take the diuretic? It is frustrating to have your sleep disturbed. I hope since you seem to be healing faster than some that it just goes away real soon hope hope hope...........m

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Hi buddy....I am so sorry you are suffering so much. You are still in acute the worst of this whole mess. I wish they would see you just for your comfort. I went thru this and I thought I was going to die it was so bad, I had jerks and spasms and I felt like I was plugged into a light socket 24/7. The severe for me lasted about 5 wks., for some it is a little longer, but it DOES get better for everyone, you will feel better, I promise, promise!!


It is so hard right now for you. I could not do anything but lay on the couch or bed and just cry or stare into space. I went to the er 3 x, I was so scared. I am so much better than that now. The acute that you are in will let up just hang onto that thought it lets up for everyone.


Keep posting and keep reading you will find alot of comfort here. Hugs and comfort to you buddy........m

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