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Klonopin Addict trying to withdraw


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I have been trying for months to get on a schedule with klonopin and begin cutting back, II find that supports groups help, I currently also am part of a support group for NA and attend NA meetings online. I successfully withdrew cold turkey from my narcotic pain killer addiction. I hate klonopin and how it makes me feel but at such a high dose as 8mg, once withdrawal sets in I feel like my heart is going to stop.
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Hello MsCaptainAmerica,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


We're glad you joined us.  Benzo withdrawal is a very different withdrawal from opiates and I'm sure you recognize this about your Klonopin dose.  I was able to taper off of a Xanax dose that rose as high as 6mgs per day, so I know what you are facing.  You can do this, but it is likely to take a good length of time.  Try not to rush and you'll be okay.  I wish you well with your withdrawal.


Most of our members are happy to share their experiences with benzo withdrawal and recovery. Although symptoms can be severe at times, please know that they are temporary.  The time it takes to recover varies from person to person, but we do eventually recover from this experience.


The general recommendation for tapering after long term use is 5-10%, every 10 to 14 days.  Some folks are able to taper faster than this and some must go slower to help keep their withdrawal symptoms manageable. 


Here are some links to get you started.


Here is a handy link for The Ashton Manual.  Professor Ashton is an authority on benzo withdrawal and recovery.


Withdrawal Support, (during your taper) is where our buddies who are tapering post for support.


General Taper Plans is the spot to ask questions about your taper.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Feel free to post on any of our dedicated boards. 


Again, welcome!


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Wow, thank you Juliea, I'm a strong believer in support and found that support groups are so important.  Thank you for the resources. I have heard of the Ashton Manual and watched a YouTube video with Dr Ashton explaining why rapid benzo withdrawal is not possible.  Once again thank you.
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You aren't alone! I was on 6 mgs of Klonapin. So sorry you're going through this. Is your doctor willing and able to help you, or is this "do it yourself?" Whatever - its a wise decision.

I am curious - Do you find NA helpful?


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My Doctor just increases my dose when I tell him about my symptoms hence the 8mg a day. I want out so bad and find myself suffering severe withdrawal even at reducing by 1mg. NA for my drug addiction was God send I'm clean and have been since I went cold turkey off my pain killer addiction!
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My Doctor just increases my dose when I tell him about my symptoms hence the 8mg a day. I want out so bad and find myself suffering severe withdrawal even at reducing by 1mg. NA for my drug addiction was God send I'm clean and have been since I went cold turkey off my pain killer addiction!


Welcome MsCaptain! I have found this site invaluable, I to am trying to taper off of K as well.  It's benzo Hell!!!


You might want to look at this Klonopin support group, they have helped me immensely.




Hoping you feel better  :thumbsup:



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Welcome MsCaptain


I took am tapering off K and just started a month ago from 4mg a day. So not sure what lies ahead but know i must get off this. The people here are great and so helpful when you are having a bad day or have questions :)



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My Doctor just increases my dose when I tell him about my symptoms hence the 8mg a day. I want out so bad and find myself suffering severe withdrawal even at reducing by 1mg. NA for my drug addiction was God send I'm clean and have been since I went cold turkey off my pain killer addiction!


I know you feel like you are behind the eight ball.  I was where you are now, while taking Xanax and I made it to the other side. 


A 1mg dosage reduction is actually pretty large.  This is greater than 10% of your days dose and is not recommended for a first cut, by most who taper.  Rather than reduce a whopping 1mg at a time, can you try a more gentle cut?  Like .50mgs.  A .50mg cut would be less than 10% of your full dose.


I know this seems daunting to you right now.  But if you keep chipping away at your medicine and reducing slowly, there will come a day you have no more medicine to taper.


Hang in there and know you can do this.  Granted it takes time to complete a benzo taper, but this is time well spent.  :hug:





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