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How long can you prepare Klonopin Milk dose in advance?


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I have several 3 to 4 day weekends planned this summer where I will be staying in a cabin. I already am working on a way to refrigerate my doses oh milk/klonopin and to keep them cool while traveling, but my hope is to prepare the doses in advance, if possible so as to not have a little more privacy with the folks I am staying with. I will bring syringes as a back up and extra pills of course, in case there is spillage, or one of the doses go bad. But wondered how many days in advance have others doing a milk taper have without the milk going bad? At the moment, I usually prepare 2 days in advance, and stored in a refrigerator other than a half hour travel time. But have never made 3 days worth or 4 days worth, but would like to try it if others think it is safe.

I also just soak my generic Klonopin in the milk, and the yellow tablets seem to break down and I of course shake it well, but have never crushed the pills.

Any thoughts, experience?


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I made up 3 days worth the day the before I left, so in a sense, they lasted for four days, and without any notable problem, I did be sure to purchase a brand new half gallon of milk, with the furthest expiration date I could find to use and opened it specifically to make those doses. Will be doing this again one or two more times this summer, so hoping it goes well again. I should say I was on a dose hold that weekend. The next time I will be doing it, I will hopefully not be on a hold. So this time, before I leave, I am going to try to replicate the procedure a few days before leaving, as I know I usually lick the lid after dividing my dose, and I do not do that when preparing several days in advance, instead I have tried to rinse it off into my mixing jar after I have removed my cut and divided the doses, when I am doing my mixing jar rinse, the same with the two syringes I use. As the outside usually has milk on them. I seem to only be able to do really super small cuts at this point (.0005mg) so I want to be especially careful that I am not cutting more since preparing in advance, I prepare my doses slightly different. But in terms of the 4 days worth of milk K solution, no notable problems for myself, but I will again make sure I am using the freshest milk possible. Thanks for asking how it worked out.
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