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Facial dryness and sore skin


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I have had a tight face for the last few months, very, very dry skin, painfully so and the cheeks on my face have been sore to touch, not nice at all but since I have been holding for 26 days now, my face is no longer sore or dry, it no longer feels painful to touch.


My eyes are also not so red and dry and gritty, sometimes I think the body just needs a rest from tapering, never be afraid to take a break, it is amazing what withdrawal can do to the body... I think when things like facial skin and eyes start to suffer, it is a sign the body needs a bloody good rest...


I just thought I would pass that on in case anyone else has a sore dry face also...

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I have really bad dry, burning, red eyes. Also, my hands and feet are badly dry--heck all my skin is dry, ugh!!
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Mine has been that way since the start.  Permanently dehydrated.  Dandruff, skin flaking off etc.


Sometimes I just think I will vaporize into dust, a bit like the people getting zapped in War of the Worlds

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Really bad too, using a ton of lotion, even worse in Tucson it's bone dry and no rain in months. :sick:


I am thinking of trying coconut oil as a facial moisturizer... creams just break me out. I need something natural.



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