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Left arm is basically limp... heavy and weak. Worse upon walking. Heart..


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I feel worse and worse right now. I'm so scared, but I know I cannot run to the ER because there really isn't anything they're going to do for me. But I have a bruisey like chest pain in my left chest and my left arm is so heavy. It gets a bit better with rest, but worsens with movement. My heart feels SO bad. Like it feels like it's on it's last hurrah. Thumping, pounding, shaking. And that's every beat, it's my "normal" rhythm nowadays. EKG says it's okay. But reading about EKGs makes me feel really unconfident in them. I'm supposed to do a stress test on Wednesday, and I hope that clears me a little, and I'm going to get a holter monitor as well. I'm also getting a strong pain from my left hand to wrist up to arm. It comes and goes.


I've read on here about beta blockers...Though my BP is normal, I was thinking about them for the rhythm. Maybe is this something I should ask my doctor about? Has anyone had my type of rhythm and felt like they were dying and had success using these drugs to help with the symptoms?


I feel so much like being like THIS can't be withdrawal, I'm going to have a heart attack. I've got blockages. I really have never felt like this before.


Thank you for listening everyone. Wish you all the best in your journeys.

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I had horrendous heart fears for a while.  I was sure I was going to die.  I went to the ER three times.  I would only get off the couch to go to the bathroom.


One day I decided if I was going to die, it wouldn't be on the couch.  I decided to go for a walk.  I walked a mile and didn't die.  The next day I tried a little jogging and did not die, I felt better.


In my case anxiety was causing me to focus on these bodily fears and yes they felt extremely real.

I was CERTAIN I was going to die, now I run 4-5 days a week.


While I am not cured and have a long way to go, simply going for a walk helped me.

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As a paramedic for 30+ years I have learned to always advise that when in doubt check it out.  At the very least it will give you peace of mind.  If you have left sided weakness, that is certainly worthy of being checked out medically. Even if it is nothing, then you will be less fearful, and this will help keep the symptoms under control, especially your reaction to them. At the very least, you might consider contacting your GP.
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Yes Jerry, I am sure that getting a medical opinion helps a lot. If the arm thing does not get better, I would see my doctor. Definitely will help your anxiety as these symptoms can very well be very frightening and so very hard to discern if they are the real thing or not.
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