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My problem is all to do with the derealization


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I hate it, absolutely hate it.


I don't have it much right now, it's mild but after every small reduction a week later I sort of find my reality becomes all distorted and off and not in a nice way, everything feels dream like and almost sinister and it makes me feel kind of crazy.


I now know what it is, derealization, it is not just organic fear or anxiety, it is the derealization that causes the anxiety.


After holding I come right again but going back and forth into this weird dimension is always horrible and I hate it so much.


If anyone has any tips on how to minimize this insidious symptom, please let me know.


I though maybe holding cold things might help when it is bad, like ice cubes or something... cool cloth on the face etc...


I am going to read up on this and search youtube, maybe there may be some tips on there.


No wonder a GP I saw thinks I am bipolar.  ::)



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Oh Oscar if only I could take some of your dp and you can have some of my excruciating pain and benzo flu and sweating and rls and face pain and headache and gi issues....I think we d be doing good then :smitten:
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Oscar, I have had problems with it for a while and understand what you're saying. It's my worst symptom. Well, most uncomfortable symptom, most dreaded symptom ... whatever label fits. You may have read that I unintentionally ct'd and had a doozie of a derealization episode 6 days later, which made be go back on the big X and restart my taper. That first time was the worst, the scariest, and the benchmark I've rated all the other times against. I'm glad to say none have been as bad as the first - but that's because I'm doing the taper properly this time. They happen most when I'm in a store, but I realize they happen anytime I'm feeling stressed, even a little bit. The best "fix" I've found is to stop what I'm doing and go to another room or part of the store, which distracts me from whatever caused the d/r to kick on in the first place. Next best thing is to find something else to focus on, hopefully something pleasant and inspiring good memories to come up. Like spotting some jelly beans at the store and diving on the good thoughts they inspired almost instantly. I guess distraction is the key. Something to pull me out of the dream, something good. I don't know if I'm making any sense, but I hope you kind of get what I'm trying to share.


Hugs to you. Hang in there. They will get less often, less intense, and less scary in time.  :smitten:

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Thanks DebbieRose  :smitten:


I read just now that distraction and living as normally as possible helps, not isolating etc and doing enjoyable things.


I am going to work on those things.


The withdrawal anxiety is what causes it, when my taper is over, it will go away.



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Hi Oscar,


Thanks for the thread, I have a big problem with D/P and D/R and tend to want to isolate and hope that it all goes away.... weird I have described it to my pdoc like I've jumped into another dimension (def. scary), usually happens when I don't expect it and I'm out in public and stressed didn't have a term for it until I joined benzo buddies..


When I have it happen and I'm out I try not to engage and just observe and know that it will pass (sometimes easier than others)... I was diag. bipolar 1 and PTSD pre benzos so I have to be very careful with my taper so as not to destabilize myself...  you mentioned that your doctor wondered if you were bipolar did you have problems with D/R before you started the benzos? If not I have heard that many times people wind up with all kinds of diagnoses due to the symptoms of withdrawl..


Peace and Healing,


Lightbright  :smitten:

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