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Please answer....I'm kinda freaking out


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My stomach and intestinal issues have become SO bad....and when I go pee, no matter how much water I drink, it's a deep yellow...like I'm dehydrated. I was checked for infection but nothing was wrong. I had an ultrasound but my organs were fine.

It's weird cause I only drink water. Nothing else. Tons of it.


I read about adrenal fatigue....is this possible to have after I stopped Clonazapam cold turkey 4 months ago?

Is it normal for my intestinal pain to be THIS BAD? The cramps are severe. And they switch locations. I'm constipated a lot.


I'm losing my mind. I hate this. These four months have been the worst of my life.


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Vitamins will make your urine change colors but if you are constipated you probably are having intestinal pain and cramping due to constipation. I take psyllium every day. I use organic India in about 10 oz of water and about 10 oz more (water), after. I only need to drink one glass a day but in the beginning, when I did have constipation, I had to drink 2 glasses. Psyllium in not a chemical laxative stimulant but rather a natural product. It works very well. I do not have any cramping or stomach/intestinal problems any longer but I stress...I take it daily.
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I had all kinds of pain in my abdomen and around to the sides. Poor digestion with burping and discomfort for hours on end after eating. It's a bit better now as time has passed. The abdomen/side pain was so bad it was the only thing that sent me to the doctor during this whole year of withdrawal. They diagnosed it as a muscle sprain. I think it was the psoas muscle being stuck in "fight or flight" mode for me, as quite a bit of the pain went around to my sides and down the inner thigh as well as the abdomen. It will get better. Keep drinking that water!


Hope you feel some improvement soon, you can do it!  :smitten:

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hon try  phillips Magnesia it works. i use 1Ta.

make sure you drink waterm w it.


also, eat fruit, etc that should help too


did you know Grapefruit contain alot of fiber? ive got to get some more

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Aloe Vera works for constipation and lining the stomach. :  are you taking B vitamins, they turn the urine dark yellow?.  They are water soluble so they are safe to take in large doses.

Overcomer  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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