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Milk titration math question


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First of all, thank.everyone for all the helpful information.


Secondly, I have decided that once I am stable in my dose, 1.5 mg xanax per day, (.5 3x a day) which will be soon, matter of days, I am going to start the milk titration method lowering by 10% every 10 days.

So, I am getting my syringes ordered, but how do Inknow I am reducing properly in terms of concentration of xanax an the solution?

Does that make sense? If In just simply remove about 3.33 ml of liquid from each dose, is that the right reduction percentage wise for 10% reduction per ten days? Hope this question makes sense.

Thank you for the help. I am not good at math.

Or is the reduction of the overall liquid going to care of

the percentage wise?

I have to reduce the overall amounting my system evenly, systematically, correct?


Thank you again.

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