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Valium 2mg taper


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Hello ,

I am new and scared !! Can anyone give me a good taper ? 

I have to reduce 4mg  Valium and wanting to do the easiest way.

I have lots of 2mg tabs so I was thinking water ? I can’t get the pharmacy one .

Or should I just microtaper?


I am currently on 14mg Valium and will still be on 10mg due to a heart issue . Cardio approved

I updosed due to a medical condition. So now have to come back down . I am starting with this first due to extreme sensitivity.

I REALLY NEED HELP doing this . DLMT or microtaper

I am so upset to have to go through this as I made a stupid mistake but I have many health issues.

No excuse . I appreciate any help if possible.  Thank you


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Hello ,

I am 71 and am on 14 mg of Valium .

I am supposed to be on 10mg .

I need to taper the 4mg .  I will stay on the 10mg as i have heart issues and this works better Than a beta blocker for me . My Md has no clue how to taper unless super fast .

My plan was to do 2mg in 100ml water for 100 days which comes out to 0.02mg per ml.

The percentage is low . Then I was going to do another 2mg again the same way

I know weird but I am super sensitive.

Does this sound ok ?

I was going to use some alcohol to dilute the pill . Is that still acceptable.

I just really need some help or validation that this is ok.

I tried dry microtaper but too hard .

Can I get some help please. I am lactose intolerant just an FYI

I appreciate anyone that can give me guidance. Thank you

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Your method of tapering is how I did my last bit of clonazepam.  I had to be sure to shake the suspention vigorously and dose it right away since my tablet didn't dissolve well in water.  I didn't use alcohol but some members do use a few drops to dissolve the tablet before adding water.  I found the small daily reductions with my water taper easy to tolerate.


I don't know where you live but Diazepam comes in a liquid concentrate in the United States - 5mg/5ml.

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Thanks for the reply . I think I am just going to put a few drops of alcohol on the tab and see how that works .

My Md is against liquid tapering as I don’t think they understand it. I am in California.

This is such a small dose And only one time daily reduction should be easier I hope .

If not I will go back to just Microtapering.

I appreciate you answering

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Most doctors don't understand tapering - it certainly isn't something they likely covered in medical school or in a continuing education class.  I like your attitude - you are willing to try the alcohol and see if it works for you.  For me and many of us, tapering is such a process in experimentation!  I absoultely resisted the idea of a liquid taper ... until I got to the last bit and found that a change in method was necessary for a smooth landing.  The liquid method turned out to not be the big deal I thought it would be but I was glad when I was finished with it!!  ;)
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You are right . They have no clue .

I have read on a few sites to add a few drops of alcohol but actually most against it .

If it makes it more accurate then I will try it .

I actually emailed the lady that made a video on water tapering a long time ago . She said that she used to say no to alcohol but now after studying it she feels it might be beneficial.

When it comes to tapering you just have to try what is best for you . It’s very complex

Thank you

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I tapered using 1 ml of alcohol to dissolve my 1 mg (half a 2 mg) pill. I added 99 ml of water, got a 1:100 solution, and reduced by 1 ml (used my smallest syringe) a day. It took 100 days to reduce 1 mg. Yeah, ppl will tell you not to bother with the alcohol, but really, do they think valium plus water makes a better solution? It makes no solution . . . just a suspension that you have to stir or shake well. Anyhow, that's what I did (my chemist partner approved  :)) and it worked well.


btw you can surely get liquid valium at any pharmacy in CA.


Hope this helps.



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Thank you for the reply.

My Md is not a fan of water taper so a no on liquid from pharmacy . She just wants me to microtaper dry as she says it’s more reliable .

So I am doing basically the same thing but mine will be 0.02 as I am using 2mg tabs?

So 100 days for 2mg . I will then do the next 2mg after a month . I still will have a cushion so hopefully it will not be that bad .

I hope this makes sense and hope  I am doing correct.

If you have a chance will you let me know if that sounds ok ?

I appreciate your help . You be surprised how many won’t use alcohol . Prob why they have issues .

Thank you . Holly

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