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can someone help me with a substitution plan and also having trouble swallowing


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Is there anyway someone can get me instructions on how to cross over from clonazepam to valium? I read about it but don't really understand it enough to do it myself. or to even explain it to my doctor.  I can provide the dose I am on right now. . I don't know if a direct crossover would work. so I was curious on how I could slowly ad the valium into the mix. and how to exchange one for the other. I am at 30% reduction from a 0.5mg clonazepam 5% reduction per week. compounded. and its been hell. tolorance withdrawal getting worse. I have been on 0.5mg for about 4 months. before I started reduction. I am also having trouble swallowing its real bad.and have plugged ears and nose like I have a cold. anyone ever have this problem.  Thanks So Much!    Richie.




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