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Inspirational quotes and the gamut


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"Loneliness leaned heavily upon me until I embraced it and it became my consolation."  Marge Stratton   


I thought this a quite powerful message that we need to embrace our own difficulties as we progress on this road.  This way, instead of becoming bitter, we are able to transform the agony and pain into something that will be good, positive energy:  as our universe is not in need of any more negative energy.  I always learned that unless we embrace the darkness we can never truly see the light.  That is what we are all striving to do as we travel on this difficult road.  We are companions in the night, walking toward a light that is inevitably there for all of us.  In my past, when not on drugs, and I had anxiety, I realized that the anxiety was coming from a part of myself that I had not acknowledged or embraced.  Of course, I am not addressing drug wd anxiety...only the anxiety that is a part of life.  As I become well, I hope to once again know and learn these things, that have long been suppressed by drug use.  I do not want to be numbed to the joy and tragedy of life.  Janus

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Well I've lived that phrase, I always thought a bit of darkness was the human condition, to let the light shine brighter , I was always envious of people who seemed to glide through lif without any apparent troubles, then I realized that was impossible, unless you were a sociopath :D
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You will be. Believe it.

Life never stays the same. It's always changing. True happiness may be just around the corner. It's the mystery of life. The saying "this too shall pass' just means change, which is inevitable.

Love Linda :smitten:

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ok janus - you are on - here it goes.


yesterday is ashes

tomorrow wood

only today the fire burns brightly

old americain indian saying.


here is another


sham and believing the lie that there is something wrong with you (i can't read my writing - you from the present moment.


we will make the one above a multiple choice - anyone is free to fill in the word i can't read. :D

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Is your glass half-full or half-empty?




"We are what we think.

All that we are arises with our thoughts.

With our thoughts, we make our world."




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