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10% Cuts Off 10% or off total 100%?


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Hello. I just started my taper last week. I’m on .5mg of clonazepam. I have a scale and I started to shave off 10% of my morning dose everyday. Going forward, the next time that I go down, do I shave off 10% off of what I am currently taking or same amount that I shaved off the first time which would be another 10% of the original total weight of the pill? Or does it not matter?


For example: If I had 100g, I would shave off to make it 90, then 80, 70, 60, 50, 40 and so on.




If I had 100g, I would shave off to make it 90, then 81, 72.9, 65.61, 59.05, 53.15 and so on.

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Rebecca gave you the right answer. However, if you want to understand why, here is a video from a psychiatrist explaining the idea:
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