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Windows During Taper and also Through Initial Clonazepam Use


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I have a couple of fairly good days a week. I am still tapering from 1.5mg clonazepam- I am 54.6% off.

I also had “windows” when taking my original 1.0 mg of clonazepam for my first 7 months and when taking 1.5mg over the next year. (19 month total) I have been very up and down this whole time- days of feeling close to normal and then days of severe anguish. Has anyone else had this? Is it a bad sign? Will it resolve once I have finished the taper and the withdrawal period?


Any responses very much appreciated.

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Hi Perserverance,


I am 98% off of a 2mg Clonazepam taper that started in May of 2022. During this past year I have been on one hell of a rollercoaster ride with so many ups and downs. There were windows where I was able to come up for air and bask in the good days, or good hours. And then there has also been the complete polar opposite, where I would be severely depressed and cry for hours and days and it seemed as if I was destined to be that way forever. In the end though, I have almost made it to the end of my taper journey. I would just buckle down and ride out the journey and just enjoy the good, almost "normal" times. I don't know if it is in my head or not, but I feel that the lower I get in the amount of clonazepam I take, the better overall I am doing. I can't speak for what happens at the end of a taper just yet, but I do know that there is healing, and I believe we will be better in time.

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Hi perserverance


my wife is going through the same thing having a few good days then crashing  then a few days later up again it goes in cycle with my wife so as bad as it is she was at least know that this is happening to someone else    we are on the right track  good luck cheers

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Hi Perserverence,


I'm tapering from 1mg Clonazepam as well and I can relate to what you posted. I've been on it daily for over 10 years. My doctor cut my dose from 1mg to .5 mg in May (I wasn't privy to what was happening). We all know that is way too big of a cut and from May until I began tapering in December I was an absolute mess of a human. Part of me can't believe I made it through that... woof...


Anyway! During those months I had no windows, I had no hope and was completely lost. When I started tapering, the windows came. Not huge or long but just enough light to take a breath and give me a little faith that I can keep going. I think my body and brain really want to be off the benzo. I'm still early in my taper but I agree with bluewave about doing better on less of the drug. Maybe it's because it's been wrecking and plaguing my system for many years, I don't really know.


Bottom line, everyone's journey is different... From others accounts, I've gathered some people struggle heavily for a long time and have a big euphoric lift of symptoms, some have ups and downs, windows and waves and heal following a similar pattern. I think your windows are a good sign. Any moments of peace during this hell should be celebrated. Also! You're over 50% off! That's HUGE and I can't wait to get there.


Keep going.



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I started my taper about 1 and a half months ago. I am finding the same, windows and waves already. I started at 1 mg of clonaz and am currently at .8 mg. I had a window yesterday which was amazing but today bam I’m in the thick of it again. I am praying this is a good sign. I am working hard to accept and trust the healing process. Please no triggers with any replies.
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