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Deep dark hole


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I'm in a deep dark hole. Don't know how to hang in there till the end of tapering ( later this year). I've lost much in this life due to this drug. I know many of us are in the same boat but don't know what to do. Ideas please?
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I have felt the same. The best way for me to handle this is by distracting. I know easier said then done but the more I distract and get out of my head my symptoms tend to lighten. I have a couple of friends I can call and vent my frustrations, as well as cry. I don't have much support within my family because they just don't understand. They tell me it's mind over matter which doesn't really validate what I'm experiencing. I have my dark days and grieve the loss of what my life used to be, like getting out of bed in the morning feeling good with plans for the day. I was always a morning person. Now I dread them because they are so hard. I hope you get feeling better. Sometimes a short walk outside can lift my mood some. I hope you find what works for you



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Have you tried holding the dose you are at? You can always hold for 3-4 weeks at the current dose. If I were you, I would hold and the next reduction would be even smaller. These drugs are very potent even at low doses, so the dose reduktion have to be smaller and smaller the lower you get. There are ways to do the tiny reductions even if your doctor is not on board with it. All the best.
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