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Has anyone had a reaction to using nicotine patches during WD?


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I started to smoke again when all of this started.  I would like to slowly work at reducing the amount I smoke over time.


Has anyone had an uptick in symptoms while using these?


Thank you.




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I had quit smoking about 9 years ago.  This tapering caused me to start up again.  Not too much but a cigarette once in a while.  When I felt like smoking more I used the patch.  I'm on step 2 now of the patch and doesn't seem to cause any issues for me.
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I had quit smoking about 9 years ago.  This tapering caused me to start up again.  Not too much but a cigarette once in a while.  When I felt like smoking more I used the patch.  I'm on step 2 now of the patch and doesn't seem to cause any issues for me.


Thanks for your reply, JMT.


Using the patch, do you still smoke while using it and then slowly taper down?

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I had quit smoking about 9 years ago.  This tapering caused me to start up again.  Not too much but a cigarette once in a while.  When I felt like smoking more I used the patch.  I'm on step 2 now of the patch and doesn't seem to cause any issues for me.


Thanks for your reply, JMT.


Using the patch, do you still smoke while using it and then slowly taper down?


I haven’t had any problem with them, Faith, but I’m very glad to see you reaching out for wider community feedback.


They’re not really designed to be used in conjunction with smoking as nicotine is slowly but constantly being released into your system, unlike lozenges you may just use as a replacement to cut down on smoking, but that doesn’t mean you have to strictly abstain. If you felt at breaking point, you certainly could have a cigarette (as my doctor mentioned) to relieve any increasing stress related to quitting the physical action of smoking. I did it. The main idea is to gradually get to a point where you forget about even reaching for a cigarette because you’re still getting the nicotine, but obviously it wouldn’t be sensible to chain smoke whilst on them as you would be reinforcing that compulsion to always reach for a cigarette. You may choose to begin by allowing 3 to 5 cigarettes a day, spaced apart, with the intention of eventually stepping down to 0. Generally it’s best to just get through the first 3 days without a cigarette, as this is when the intense compulsion seemed to fall away for me, but you are in a highly symptomatic unwell state at the moment, so it may be best that you’re not too rigid or strict with yourself in the beginning. Be gentle and forgiving with yourself, and just do your best.

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Hi WS,


I am making inquiries to see about getting the patch so that it is covered.  I have been dealing with an outpatient department at the hospital that has provided me with therapy.  All other sources that will provide free smoking cessation require you to adhere to a strict timeline and a set amount of patches.  That will not work for me at this time.  I cannot have additional expectations or pressure during this process...if even just for the psychological ramifications.  Everything has to be done on my terms without pressure.  So, I will see what happens next week.  In the meantime, after this winter storm has subsided that we are in the midst of, I may go out and pick up one box to start with to see how I do. 


The last time I quit, I used vaping.  It was very affective.  It didn't take long at all...but, I was not in acute BW.  I still have what I would need to utilize vaping again.  For some reason, it just doesn't feel like the right choice this time.  But, 'feeling' things out when it's difficult to access yourself may not always be accurate.  All I know is that I need to be in charge of this, and a smoking cessation program is not what I want. 




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Yes, I absolutely understand. In acute, the urge to try and suppress through any of our vices is incredibly powerful. Sadly, they often seem to be the only things we have left to hold on to.
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I have had same sensation to start smoking again when I started my taper almost immediately. don't know if it is mental thing because it was always my crutch to go to for some relief but I was having anxiety and bad headaches and thought one can't hurt and now I am back to smoking 5-6 cigs a day after quitting and was exercising everyday. I really think my workouts strained my CNS system and I had over exerted maybe but I already miss my workouts and feel lethargic. I almost would rather be on valium and not smoke than try getting off this dang drug and the long road ahead.
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