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Promotion of Goods and Services (as they relate to titration)


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Re: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=225592.msg2942356#msg2942356


Hi all,


As some of you will be already aware, a couple of members attempted to promote a Facebook page (and future book) relating to Jana Hill's taper protocols. (They may or may not have done this in all innocence - but this is irrelevant to the issue at hand). Firstly, we do not generally allow for the promotion of commercial products. Secondly, we do not allow suggestions for members to join Facebook groups because of privacy concerns*. Thirdly, we have serious concerns about these protocols being promoted as some kind panacea for avoiding benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms - they are not!


* Our privacy concerns are actually more basic than the recent controversies about Facebook selling personal data. Facebook's terms and conditions require that members join using their real name. This is at odds with a basic premise of BB, where members are strongly encouraged to join with an anonymous username, and we remove as much personal data as possible from guest view of the forum (username, avatar, signature line, etc.).


Please understand, just because something is patented, this does not mean that fulfills its promises or works. We will provide some more concise and considered information in the near future, but for now I thought I'd point you all to an old (though, recently resurrected) thread which covers much of my and our concerns. For convenience, I have linked to my first interjection to the thread, where I outline most of my concerns. You might wish to read the preceding or followup posts (where some of the issues were fleshed out and discussed). Again, though, most of my concerns are contained within the single post, linked below:




My review (linked above) was based upon the provisional patent; it has since been approved. However, 17 of the original 20 claims were rejected. The 3 remaining claims have changed somewhat. And some of the supporting documentation for the patent is of concern to me and others. I will detail more later. For now, though, please do not point members to Jana Hill's Facebook page or her book (if and when one might be published).


I know that some of you will be unhappy about these restrictions, but we have been over this before. I will update you all as soon as possible.


Thank you.

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