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So I was wondering if anyone in the Long Island NY area is out there that knows a Good PT that can handle and work with Benzo Paws.  I know it is not is a mix of physical and chemical and Mental.  IN my moms case her main anxiety symptom from the Detox of 2MG of lorasapam for 8 years and a way to short 4 month taper is fear of falling.  On the Mental side we are working wth the local university Phobia clinic they have the head of the department now working with the PHD candidate since this a different type of case not as straight foward as a Phobia of flying.  But for Physical therapy that can work with this and not tell us that there is nothing more they can do.  It is not physcial but as we all know it all is a nice package when it comes to Paws :)  just wanted to get you folks thoughts on this
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