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Tinnitus is quiet in morning


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My tinnitus is usually a 0/1 in the morning but by bedtime 9 it is up to a 7. It usually starts to increase during the afternoon. I take my doses at 9 am and 9 pm. Could this be my body craving more? I have noticed on the two days I had windows my tinnitus was no higher than a 2 out of 10 all day. But there doesn’t seem to be a pattern to the windows yet. I did my 3rd drop today- 10% of current dose. I held the last one for 25 days. Wish me luck! Positive responses only please.



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My tinnitus seems to have its own erratic cycle usually peaking on day 3 to a 10 but can drop to a 2 on the low days.  I journaled and kept up with weather, caffeine, sugar, exercise etc but found no pattern.  Maybe yours is different.  I find that late afternoon my cold legs symptoms start and I attribute that to the V losing potency before my one evening dose. G doesn't help it.  I got hearing aids with masking to help my t during the day.  Good luck...  seriously its surely annoying.
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I"m sorry to hear this. (no pun intended) I've just begun to notice a pattern of tinnitus in the afternoon growing greater until my evening dose settles in. I'm not certain if it is there in the before my morning 7 am dose, because I am sleeping then but think I'd notice it once I woke. Does the tinnitus go away when you sleep?
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So, I don't think many of us had it before benzos (like other symptoms) and once we clear the bentos and their effects, we are going to clear these uniquely (I hope) benzo side effects. I'm hanging in here. I've not gotten this far to fail. Love and Hugs to all here and not here yet.
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