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Micro dosing a stimulant once a month?


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I’ve heard some people ask about adderall during withdraw,  well knowing it’s basically meth I’m curious if I can micro dose meth once a month solely for something to look forward to? I don’t believe it’s neurotoxic in small doses that barely give a high but take the edge off and slight mood lift.  I notice no come down when I’ve used in past,  which Is about 3-4 times now.  My boyfriend keeps it locked away,  doesn’t like or agree that I’m wanting to do this. 

I’ve got a terminal illness and don’t want to spend it in benzo withdraw,  and knowing I can have a good day once in a month brings me peace. 


I’ve aso got shrooms on the way I plan on micro dosing so hopefully that will prevent me from wanting anything else.  The depression gets so bad.


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