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Brain Zaps


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I am nearly 4 months off.  I am in a wave of 3.5 weeks and counting, that followed a 2 week window.


I have had head pressure, particularly forehead and behind my nose for a while.  The last couple of days, I've had something different - what I think may be "brain zaps" or "brain shakes" that are supposed to be common when coming off SSRIs, though have also been reported in benzo withdrawal. I have had them when coming off Fluoxetine (Prozac) before)


My question is whether this new symptom may be a sign that I am close to healing?

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I'm sorry to hear you have a new/old symptom but 4 months is very early in recovery so I wouldn't think you were getting close yet although its amazing you had a 2 week window so soon after becoming benzo free.
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Thanks Pamster. That was actually my third substantial window. I had a 10-day window after 1 month, then 2 week wave, then a 2 week window, then a 1 week wave, then another 2 week window, but this wave is now 3.5 weeks.
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