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What Antibiotics Are Safe to Take


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I'm basically healed from withdrawal but I've come down with a nasty cough that's hurting my lungs when I cough and I'm sweating profusely even after the fever has subsided.


I'm worried I have pneumonia so I'm going to go to the doctor tonight. If I do, I'm guessing they will want to give me antibiotics. What kind of antibiotics are safe to take? I can't risk going back into benzo withdrawal. 

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I would only take antibiotics if you have a chest X-ray that shows pneumonia!!


If you’re having trouble breathing you can take Ventolin.

It has no steroid in it.


But if it’s a virus, no way an antibiotic will cure it etc.


Infections can turn into a bacterial infection yes, but that’s what the X-ray is for.


I’ve had COVID a few times. Always got the X-ray, no pneumonia despite tons and tons of coughing.


A virus also comes with high fevers.


If you do need them, you need them.


Stay away from flouroquinilones.

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The doctor assumes I have bronchitis and gave me a z-pack. Not sure I need to take it though for bronchitis.
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I'm afraid I just screwed myself. I took the first dose of a z-pak and now I'm wired and can't fall asleep. I'm going to discontinue immediately. I'm praying that this isn't a full-on insomnia setback and it clears up in a day sort of like when I stopped taking vitamin d3. I'm also praying that this doesn't send me back into full blown withdrawal.
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I react to all antibiotics. But my original issue was being floxed and that began my health journey with psych meds, etc. Right now I am in a terrible AB setback. Btw, there is a med induced setback thread in support groups.


I would stop the antibiotic once  already observed it affected me negatively.

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The doctor assumes I have bronchitis and gave me a z-pack. Not sure I need to take it though for bronchitis.


No dr should be giving out antibiotics for assumed bronchitis??


There are lots of viral bronchitis, should have given you a ventolin inhaler.

Most like a combined steroid inhaler, but the steroids can rev you up

I had to take my combined inhaler after COVID though.


I’m sorry you took one dose of the z pack. It should settle down.


I recall Geraldine Burns saying she had the same thing happen


If you have any sacchromites boulardi around that apparently can help.


You’ll be ok.



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Hi Winnie,

I did end up taking the second dose this morning. I'm really hoping my sleep levels out tonight by taking the dose in the morning and not before bed. Also, it's only half the dose for the rest of the time.


You don't think they should be giving out antibiotics for assumed bronchitis? She checked my nose, my ears, my mouth, took my blood pressure, heart rate, and listened to my breathing. That's all that happened. I'm seeing mixed things where it says some people do take antiobiotics for it and some do not.


I have a show on Thursday night so I'm trying to get my voice back and I'm desperate. I don't think I'm going to get my voice back by then though. I'm still insanely hoarse and can barely talk.

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From my personal experience with having bronchitis a lot, in my 20s, is that it is very often viral.

Only a few times, did it turn into pneumonia, but that’s because I didn’t use my inhalers.


Did the dr say they heard crackling in your lungs?


Anyway, many drs give out antibiotics too easily that’s all.


I’m a little biased, as I was given an antibiotic during COVID for presumed COVID pneumonia and it started a wd I didn’t know I had (from years before they’d given me Ativan in the hospital for a month).

I asked for a chest X-ray, they said no - take this.


Just load up on the probiotics, especially the sachromides boullardi.


The other way to tell if you have a bacterial infection are through blood tests.


Sounds like you either have COVID or one of the other crappy viral illness going around.


My daughter just had it again, know it was COVID even though negative test. It was just like the other 2 times.


I’m sure you’re fine, I think I had an issues with my antibiotics, because I’ve had them so many times in my life etc.


Sorry you’ll miss your show, that’s a shame, but health comes first.


Don’t worry, sounds like you’re going to be fine.


Feel better






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