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Opiate and nsaid for severe pain 2 years after taper complete


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I finished my valium taper about 2 long years ago and have not taken one supplement, herb, medication, nothing because I was so traumatized by the benzo injury only after a 15 days dose that took 5 months to get off of.

I might need to take an opiate with an nsaid (1-2 doses) 1x a month. Could this potentially set me back after all these years of trying to recover and regain some semblance of my life back? I have done the best I can pushing through 10/10 pain for 2 years with nothing but need some emergency medication option. But I am frightened to take anything. And these drugs are not just anything. Thanks so much

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I truly believe you are safe to take your emergency medication.  Opiates affect different receptors in the brain so it shouldn’t light up your GABA receptors.  There is a possibility of nausea with a pain pill, that’s happened to me in the past and of course, an NSAID has the capability of causing stomach distress but as far as it hitting you like a benzodiazepine, I feel you’ll be okay.
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Thank you Pamster. I think I made an error refusing medication for life threatening pain, and by withholding I got set into a terrible wave, first one like this in about 6 months.

I know there are some resources that consider opiates gabaergic and nsaids on the “stay away” list.

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I don’t wish to see anyone suffer needlessly and understand the trauma we’ve all gone through that leads us to refuse medications but I feel we sometimes let fear drive us to unhealthy places.  Yes, there are medications, food, drink and supplements that can cause us problems, but it’s like everything else in this process, what affects one may not affect another in the same way.


I worry when I see members restrict their food intake to the point where serious health risks come into play, and those who question taking life saving medications, still others who avoid critical medical procedures out of fear of anesthesia or doctors.  We have to somehow find balance through this because life and our health challenges don’t give us a time out while we go through this, we have to be vigilant.


I think you hit on an important point about refusing medications, the stress that unrelenting pain heaps on us can cause our symptoms to increase, and I consider stress to be the biggest contributor to increased symptom severity.


I know there are lists out there warning us of possible interactions with all sorts of substances but I hope we can all use the information in a healthy way.




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It is a fine line and impossible to make these kinds of decision especially because Im still

not living fully independent yet or fully healed. Not on long term solid ground yet.

Have reactions to everything. The thought of substances again is truly frightening.

Even before this I was sensitive to everything and intolerant to a lot. Feels like impossible choices with consequences that are unimaginable unless you survived it.

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