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Klonopin taper help


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Hi, All.

I am at just under a 1 mg of Klonopin a day (I don't think my signature is correctly tabulating mostly bc I can't focus with the ADD (something that is only happening in WD), and have been holding here for two months. I'm not sure how to proceed. I believe I am having interdose withdrawal symptoms that keep me agitated so much that I was dx'd with a panic disorder. I do not want to do anything more in terms of eliminating the medication until I have sorted out a schedule. Evening is best after my 7 pm dose. What time should I dose. Any encouragement would be great. My anxiety is absolutely unbelievable unlike anything I have ever experienced. I've felt maybe a little relief at night and over time. I'm almost fearful for the next cut, but want to finish this taper. Thanks, WPF

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How many times a day do you dose? There's no hard or fast rule for when you should be dosing. You do whatever works for you. The fact that you're experiencing some relief after your dose suggests you're likely experiencing interdose withdrawal. I'm also wondering though if you might not be experiencing some level of tolerance withdrawal as well which might explain the high level of anxiety.


1. Your signature states kindling - have you stopped and started benzo's before?

2. How have you felt after your last reduction?

3. How much do you usually reduce by?

4. What method do you use to cut?


I'm really sorry this is so tough.  :hug:

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Hi, JellyBelly,

I'm wondering what tolerance withdrawal is. Maybe I do have it. The kindling happened when I kept trying to cut a little bit and realized too late that a little bit of klonopin is a lot of medication. I am using a scale to now withdraw much more slowly and without going up and down mindlessly. It's just that I feel i will go crazy, something very frightening. Also, I had covid the early part of May and am still struggling. I did get a prescription for a ZPac, and think I am getting better on day 3 of that, bc it probably turned into a longish covid, although I now test negative. When I feel better, I hope to move slowly off the medicine like you have done.


1. Since last October, I don't think I've kindled again.

2. Jittery but better after a while (there was a divorce in December that broke me)

3. The best I can say is it varies. I'm aiming for 3-10% cuts going forward

4. Jewelers scale since late last year (game changer)


Thanks for your thoughtful questions and support.



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I don't think there's kindling involved in your case. Kindling refers to completely stopping and starting benzo's. If you went off them for a period of time and then started using again. It doesn't sound to me like you did this.


Tolerance withdrawal basically means your body has become used to the drug. It built up tolerance to the dose and in order for the drug to the have the same therapeutic effect you need more and more of it. If you don't get a higher dose you'll start experiencing withdrawal symptoms even if you're not tapering. For example in my case I was experiencing insomnia, anxiety and memory loss while on a high dose of Clonazepam. I do believe it was the beginning of tolerance.


A two month hold like you did is a good period to stabilize after everything that's happened. You probably just need to make sure you're over the worst of covid before you start tapering again.


I would suggest you start with a 5% cut every two weeks and see how it goes. After 3-4 of these 5% cuts you can re-evaluate and if they went well you can push your taper up to maybe 7%. The reason I'm suggesting 5% is because of these possible unknown variables such as interdose and tolerance withdrawal. I think it's best if you start out slow. Also keep a daily journal where you record your symptoms. You rate each symptom on a scale of 1-10. This way you can track how you're reacting to cuts.


If you feel you need to dose three times a day you can do that. Just keep in mind the more doses you have the more difficult to manage your taper. But if it alleviates symptoms it's better to have multiple doses of course.

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Thanks for your reply, Jellybelly. I think I will try 5% as you suggested. Now that I am feeling better from being ill with Covid, I'm ready to start anew since I've definitely stabilized. So much happening, caught up with me, and a slow and steady pace is the best approach for me. I'm so grateful to this space. Best wishes, WPF. :)
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Good to hear you're feeling better from Covid and you're stabilized. I'm sure a gentle approach to tapering will set you up for success. You've got this!
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